Strings of Desire (A working title)

By ked
- 808 reads
Gary Thomas woke to a fuzzy head. He opened his eyes, trying to focus, when he heard the faint sound of someone playing a guitar. His head felt woozy and as he slowly became accustomed to the new morning, he realised he had very little memory of what happened the night before. He couldn’t remember getting home. As he pulled himself up on the bed, he suddenly realised he wasn’t home. He scratched his thick, brown hair and tried hard to recall the events of the previous night but nothing was familiar. Gary lifted the covers of the bed; he was only wearing his boxer shorts. He looked around the room but there was no sign of the rest of his clothes. What on Earth? He was confused. Where the Hell am I? There was nothing recognisable about the room, he’d never been there before. Gary felt curious. Had he pulled some chick from The Venue? It wasn’t like him to be so reckless. It didn’t feel like he’d been having sex but he could have been so out of it. There was no sign of passion. The only thing he did know was that he met the guys at Jack’s for a few pints and they were heading over to The Venue, for the remainder of the evening. Gary closed his eyes for a moment, trying to force his mind to tell him what had happened but it was a complete blank. After a few minutes, he decided to go and investigate. Someone was playing guitar; strumming it like a beginner. He could almost recognise the tune. He kicked his legs round and stood up, feeling slightly wobbly at first. He took a deep breath and moved towards the doorway to get some answers.
He was pleasantly surprised when he made his way out of the bedroom. Evie was sitting on a large beanbag, strumming away on his guitar. He leant against the doorway, watching her for a moment, actually feeling jealous of his guitar. Evie was completely oblivious that she had an audience. He couldn’t help but watch her; she was so beautiful just sitting there with her long, sandy curls floating down her back. She usually wore her hair up or in pigtails. She was wearing a cute little vest and shorts set. He could almost see her breasts as the strap was loose, down her shoulder. Despite his fuzziness, he still felt a little burning sensation in his loins; that same feeling he always got when he was around her. Seeing her there opened up more questions for him. He liked watching her play. She was one of the DJs at The Venue. Tom had signed her at the end of the summer, after she had come home from a stint in Ibiza. Gary remembered being in awe of her from the first time he met her. She wasn’t like the other girls; she knew her music and she was as passionate as he was. There was no agenda with Evie. She was laid back and cool, compared to some of the women he had met. Being in a band, he was often surrounded by beautiful girls. The other guys were happy to have the girls follow them around. He had seen his friends having their fair share of romances and one-night-stands but that wasn’t his thing. He loved spending time with Evie. For months they had been getting to know each other. They were always in the same company and often it would end up with the two of them having in depth conversations about music. There were so many parties and events. Gary wanted so badly to pluck up the courage to kiss her but there was never the right time, or other people would get in the way. After a Christmas gig, he was drunk and kissed her under the mistletoe. That kiss was so bloody passionate but there were people around them and she shied away. Gary sussed early on that Evie was a delicate flower, who put walls up to protect herself. He liked that she was protective but it only made him want to take care of her more.
He cleared his throat, interrupting her. “Morning.”
Evie jumped with fright, almost falling of her beanbag and dropping his guitar. “Shit!” Evie hadn’t heard him get up. She straightened herself, giggling nervously while she did so. “You gave me a fright,” she told him. Evie felt her cheeks flush a little as she couldn’t keep her eyes of his naked torso. It was hard to believe that he was standing there, looking so good. God, he looked so hot.
“I’m sorry,” he laughed at her comedic reaction. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
Evie strummed on the guitar strings, trying to keep her eyes away from him. “I hope you don’t mind me playing your guitar. It’s so much better than my battered old one.” She pointed over to her old guitar, which was lying in the corner of the room. “I didn’t wake you, did I? I’ve been teaching myself to play again. I used to play when I was a kid, I’m a bit rusty to be honest.”
Gary shook his head. “Of course, I don’t mind.” He walked over and joined her on the beanbag next to hers. “You sounded, good.”
Evie laughed. “Ha, don’t sound too convincing Gary.” She handed him his guitar, their fingers touched, as she did so. “I watched you play at a gig once and you were amazing. I decided to borrow my dad’s old guitar because well, you inspired me to play again.”
Gary felt his cheeks burn a little. “You want to join the band?”
Evie shook her head. “I think I’ll stick to being a DJ,” she told him. “I just fancied trying it out.” She realised their fingers were still touching. Evie looked up and saw him looking at her with those large blue eyes. They were like bright sapphires. I think I’m going to melt. Evie felt her heart race a little. “So, erm,” she changed the subject: “I guess you probably want to know how you ended up here then?”
“I was pleasantly surprised to be waking up here but I seriously have no clue,” Gary said, scratching his head. “I remember going out and meeting up with Billy and Joe at Jack’s Bar. We were heading to The Venue but from that point,” he said, shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head. “I’m seriously suffering a major black out.”
Evie found and opportunity to play with him a little. “So,” she said, pretending to act hurt and disappointed. “You don’t remember last night? You don’t have any memory of getting me naked and all that crazy sex we had on my bed.” She got up to her feet, trying hard not to laugh. Gary was looking at her with wide eyes, as she walked away to the kitchenette. “I’m not going to deny, I’m not hurt by this.” Evie bit her lip. She was teasing him and he was falling for it.
“I…I,” Gary stuttered, not sure what to say. His face was burning with embarrassment. “No.”
Evie hammed it up a notch: “I thought I meant something to you.” She faked sobbing as she opened the fridge to get them some water. Her shoulders were already giving her away.
“You’re teasing me, aren’t you?” Gary got to his feet and walked to the fridge, to make her look at him.
“I mean it was pretty average really,” Evie giggled as he grabbed her waist and pulled her away from the fridge. She pressed the cold bottles into his bare skin and he squealed.
“Oi,” he laughed, grabbing a bottle. He pressed it against her top calf and she jumped, falling into him. He caught her and they stood like that for a moment, in that air of awkwardness where neither had the courage to act on their feelings. Instead, Evie back up and opened her water.
“Sorry,” Evie giggled. “I couldn’t help myself.”
“So,” he leaned into her, “as much as I love hearing about our sex life, what actually happened?” He reached out and stroked the top of her head, following his hand down her arm.
“Well,” Evie said, watching his hand as it touched her. “Well, I’d just finished work and you were at the bar. You were pretty out of it,” she explained. “I’ve never seen you like that Gary. You were quite a mess; mumbling and not quite all there. I think you were spiked.”
Gary listened to Evie explaining what she had seen. He felt angry and confused that someone has spiked him. “Seriously?” He had never taken drugs in his life. The thought of someone drugging him made him feel queasy. “Where were the guys? Were they there?”
Evie didn’t want to get his friends in trouble. She was angry just remembering how uncaring they had been. “They were being mobbed by a group of teenagers. The girls were fawning all over them. They told me to put you in a taxi.” Evie was quite animated, as she told the story; she waved her hands about angrily. “I was raging for you. I was finished, so I took you back here. I wanted to make sure you were safe.”
“Pair of assholes,” Gary huffed. He took her hand and kissed it. “Thanks for looking out for me.”
Evie pressed her hand at his face for a moment. “I wasn’t going to let any hard come to you, was I?” Their eyes locked again for a moment. She was sure he could read her mind.
“What happened to my clothes?” He wondered. “Was I sick or something?”
Evie started to laugh. “You fell out of the taxi. You literally face planked the ground.”
“Aww, seriously?” Gary felt embarrassed.
Evie placed her fingers onto his chest. “By the time I got you in here, you were shivering. You were soaked through. I had to help strip you.”
“If you wanted to see me naked, you could just ask,” he was the one teasing now. He moved towards her a little, as her fingertips touched him. Just do it Gary. He desperately wanted to grab her and kiss her; he could barely take his eyes off her.
Evie felt her cheeks flush. She stepped back nervously; her heart was racing, being so close to him. “I put your clothes in the washing machine,” she pointed to the appliance, taking the opportunity to put a little distance between them. Evie opened her water and took a swig from the bottle. “It might be a while until they’re dry, so I guess you’re stuck here with me.” She couldn’t look at him in that moment.
Gary mirrored her and drunk from his bottle, gulping down the water. I’m in no rush,” he replied. “Just glad you were around to take care of me.” He gulped more water.
“Always happy to help,” Evie said before quickly sipping more water. This whole situation had her feeling tense but in a good way. She really liked him. He’d grown on her, despite her efforts to avoid getting involved with anyone. After Ravi, she had decided to swear off relationships and refused to get involved with another guy. It had worked well until she met him. Gary ignited a fire in her that she thought had long burnt out. While she felt very comfortable around him, there was this awkwardness between them; the unspoken tension that they’d avoided until a few weeks ago. That kiss was so bloody passionate, she was taken aback by how intense it had gotten, so much so, that she backed off. She chickened out in that moment and now there was another opportunity. She caught his eye again, her cheeks still feeling flush. They were dancing around the metaphorical elephant in the room. Evie bit her fingers nervously. She wanted to find words to say but she couldn’t. Instead, she grabbed Gary’s guitar and sat back on the beanbag. She strummed a few chords but fumbled a little; her fingers didn’t seem to want to work. “Damn it,” she said under her breath.
Gary watched her. She’s so cute when she’s frustrated. He was mustering up some courage to take the lead. “Let me help,” he said coming towards her. “Budge up a bit,” he said as he manoeuvred himself onto the same beanbag, practically wrapping his body around hers. There was plenty room for two but he pulled her into him, so that their bodies were entwined. He breathed deeply, while she moved back into him. He placed his fingers on top of hers for a moment and they played a little together but they weren’t really making any music.
“Play for me,” Evie whispered, turning her head a little. He nodded. Evie took her hands off the guitar, resting them on the tops of his legs. “Play me a song.”
Gary took another deep breath. It took his whole strength to play because his entire body had other plans. He leaned into her and pulled the guitar close, as he played her a song. He played a cover, choosing an Eric Clapton song, which was perfect for this moment. He couldn’t help but smile as her body practically melted into his. He felt that burning desire growing, as she slowly moved to the music. Evie’s fingers were digging into his thighs. Gary could feel her breath deepening. He could tell she was enjoying this moment. He continued to play the song but his mouth moved to her neck, gently kissing her. Evie turned her head, her mouth desperately searching for his.
“Play me,” she gasped, grabbing his hand. “Play me like you play the guitar,” she begged him, hardly believing the words coming out of her mouth. She was so caught up in the emotion that she didn’t care. She desperately wanted him to touch her. The guitar was practically thrown to the side as he slowly caressed her, kissing her neck and shoulders. Evie threw her arms backwards, around his neck, as his hands found her breasts. His hands massaged her, teasing her nipples, while she gasped, enjoying the sensation. “Oh God!” Gary pulled at her top, slipping it over her head. They were skin to skin.
“You’re amazing,” Gary said wrapping his arms around her.
Evie inhaled deeply. She had been curious about how this moment would feel. There had been nights where she thought about those arms around her. She held onto him, kissing him, savouring this moment. They were paused in that time, that slowing moment when he held her. It was like a calm before an event. That desire for more was bubbling inside them but for just those few minutes they enjoyed the warmth of each other’s bodies, as they held each other. That desire engulfed her; like a starving beast, she turned herself around and kissed him with such fervour. The beanbag wasn’t the venue she wanted to continue in their expedition. Evie got to her feet and took his hand. “Let’s take this to the room,” she beckoned him, smiling coyly.
Like an obedient servant, Gary took to his feet and followed her until the reached the doorway. He simply scooped her up, into his arms and carried her through. They both fell onto the bed. “I can’t help but think of all that mad sex we apparently had last night,” he chuckled. They laughed together at the irony of it.
Evie bit her lip as he moved on top of her; towering her. “That was make believe. I need the real thing,” she said pulling her head to his. Their mouths met again. She felt him long and hard against her. His hands were already inside her shorts, slipping them off, while she pulled at his boxers. Speedily, they removed the remaining clothes so they were naked. Their bodies entwining; as they caught their breath between kisses. Gary explored her with his fingers, his mouth and his tongue. Evie writhed in pleasure as he discovered her erogenous zones. She gasped and groaned while he took the lead; journeying the length of her body. He was like a voyager; reaching a new destination, keen to explore every ounce of the new land. Every ounce of Evie’s body tingled with his touch. “Oh my God,” she groaned as he moved upwards, kissing her entire body until their faces met. “What are you doing to me?” Evie whispered.
“I’ve not finished,” he told her, reaching for his wallet on the side of the bed. He pulled out a condom and she helped him put it on. “You okay?” He asked her, kissing her softly.
Evie nodded. “Don’t stop now,” she begged him.
Gary pulled her legs apart, grabbing at her crevice; giving her a little more play with his fingers before he entered her. Evie caught her breath, as he pushed inside her with full force. Her back arched, as the sensation overwhelmed her. They danced slowly at first; like a warm up waltz until they found a rhythm that worked for them. The moved from a fox trot to a sensual samba, upping the tempo as they craved that final height. Evie dug her nails into his back, feeling herself explode, as she could no longer hold back. Gary climaxed a few seconds later, letting out a loud grunt. He lay slumped on top of her for a few minutes, as they caught their breath. “Wow,” Gary said, as he pulled away and collapsed beside her in the bed.
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good story, but the changing
good story, but the changing point of view weakens it. I'd suggest make it his story or her story.
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