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I have 156 stories published in 29 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 113358 times and 14 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Leno's picture

My stories

Bottle of Despair

Drinking seems to make our problems disappear

Shadow Knight (Chapters 1-7)

Chapters 1-7 He narrowed his eyes as he gazed out from the wall he currently stood on. He was on duty tonight, just like every other night.

Trail of Death (Chapters 1-3)

The Killer, a man in his late thirties, early fourties, gave a malignant smirk as he sharpened the small blade he currently held in his hand.

Reign of Darkness (Prologue, Chapter One)

Long ago, the land was peaceful. It had been for many, many years. The trees had been a bright green color

Bad Friends

Bad friends hurt people more than you would think...
