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I have 82 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 49275 times and 15 of my stories have been cherry picked.

lev821's picture
John Jones

As a native of Liverpool, England, I write twisted tales of horror, crime and mystery, and sometimes I'll dabble in other genres. I have written over ninety short stories, two novels and appeared in various publications. When I am not writing I enjoy drawing and painting.

My stories

Seeking a soulmate

"What about him?" "Not sure. I think he looks a little dim. Strange how you can tell how intelligent a person is just by looking at their picture,...

Tuned in

Around and around it went, chasing its tail, the dog spun, and Jason Lamborne laughed at the video on the computer. When it finished, the next video...


In his expensive, light grey suit, unshined shoes, I watch him in his deep sleep, in my cream coloured armchair. I say my armchair, it was partly...

Pillar of the village

Everybody loved Mrs Leversham, respected member of the community in a small south-western suburb where the area seemed to masquerade as a sea-side...

The sunseeker

They first saw him on the shoreline of Larsen bay on Kodiak island, off the south coast of Alaska, walking along as if he'd been there a hundred...
