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I have 272 stories published in 16 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 213969 times and 19 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 5 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

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Malcolm Lisle


My stories

Six of the Best

The divine headmaster gives the church six of the best. God’s judgement on those who pretend to be Christians but don’t really give it all they’ve got.

Revival In Our Lifetime

I have prayed for revival all my life, but I wonder if I will recognise it when it comes. Will I be able to cope with the packaging in which God sends it?

12 Steps for Those Wishing to Recover From Christian Discipleship

We made a list of charities we had given money to, tore it up, and decided to spend all our money on holidays.

Church of England Megachurch 2035

When you have 200 parishes with only 10 members, and it costs £175 a day to repair each church building, you’ve got to become 1 big church.

New Praise and Worship Album

We're the Church of England, Please don't leave us. We're the Church of England, Please don't leave us.
