I have 597 stories published in
2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 367443 times
and 9 of my stories have been cherry picked. 3 of my 316 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 3 votes
Tireless words are calling Through the echo’s of my mind An oceans love keeps burning Till the sands of time run, dry. California sunshine I’m dancing in your rays Naked in that forest
I say..?! If every man became more and more feminine! Then where would be a man’s androgens masculinity. Surly her desires would be less passionate and sultry.
Every style is somewhat the same. When you look across the glass! The picture is the same. But the face is different. The eyes are sadly the same. But each soul is different.
“Her soul was a saffron moon” A cygnet on a lake in June, Lost into a world of doom... She poured forth... Her love hearts tune! Transparent as the eastern sun!