I have 53 stories published in
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My stories have been read 40237 times
and 3 of my stories have been cherry picked. 1 of my 44 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote
Love is lost on you As winter enchanted flowers... Wait for Spring Carelessly swinging in the wind Kissing each snowflake as it falls Love is lost on...
Where do I begin... In these silent corridors The sadness screamed off The cold and distant walls Must I feel anger ... Or allow the sadness in me To...
Kitty Kitty Cat Where are you at Could it be You're taking a nap Kitty Kitty Cat Come out now I want to play Could it be You're hiding Underneath the...
Elsie Katz, Insertponceyfre...and Philip Sidney
Posted on Fri, 09 Dec 2016
Thank you I appreciate your feedback and yes love,peace and equality should be part of the list.
Read full commentPosted in Colour Blind