Maxine Jasmin-Green

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I have 882 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 492616 times and 53 of my stories have been cherry picked.
32 of my 996 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 34 votes

Maxine Jasmin-Green's picture
Maxine Jasmin-Green


My stories

Thin Walls Part Three.

The young family who lives opposite our home, I was just about to go to bed this morning at 2am, I’d already had my customary nap on the sofa while...

Traffic Wardens.

Yesterday I saw a clip on the news of a traffic warden been beaten up in the street, getting his head kicked in! As I didn’t listen to the news, I...


I’ve recently heard about two girls who are been bullied now, one you may have seen age just six years old on Facebook, in hospital with a sick bowl...

"In A Minute."

We often say, “In a minute,” When asked to do something or to come here, but how long is a minute? For all our minutes are different, my Husbands’...

That's My Name.

So, I was up Town recently when out of the blue I heard someone call my name. I stopped and looked around the Store to see who called me, but I...
