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I have 3649 stories published in 19 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 1895163 times and 75 of my stories have been cherry picked.
19 of my 947 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 18 votes

mcscraic's picture
Paul McCann

I like writing songs and won first prize in the Billboard music song awards in 2008 for a song I co-wrote with Robert and Wendy O'Hearn .
The song is called Lost Sons Of Erin and is on a CD called Sonicarious by Robert O'Hearn .
I present and produce a radio program each week .
I have worked in aged care and community health since 2005 .
Soccer ,Writing Songs , Playing my guitar , Going to church , photography , Art ,Writing Plays and short stories ,

My stories

Flashback In A Blackout

Short Light humour sketxh about working in an aged care hostel .

Killing Children ' Unwilling Soldiers

Children soldiersare victims of conflicts . Before the war in 2003 Iraq trained boys and girls as young a 10 Kurdish workers party in 1998 had 3000 children soldiers some 7 years of age .

Beyond Magic And Wonder

A lonely girl finds the magic of a special friend .

Camping In Caves

You never know what can happen going away camping .

Holy Joes

Finding a way to live with the insecurity of old age .
