Our Generous God
By mcscraic
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In Ardslad an iron works was established and in the surrounding area houses were built to accommodate the workers who came to work on the site there . They also developed another resource for the smelter m a small man made dam that they called the Lily Dam .
In the spring and summer swans swam around the dam and families picnicked at weekends . It was a busy place in the warmer months with kids catching tadpoles and couples walking hand in hand around the edge of the dam .
However in winter it was a much different scene as the swans had left and the waters surface was covered in a sheet of ice .
Over a period of time the iron works was a hive of activity and all of a sudden the war finished and the Iron works eventually was shut down .
People moved on and the village grew quiet , those who remained were either too old or too well settled to move away .
Sam was a family man with five children ,. A dog and hobbies that include breeding birds and growing vegetables on a small plot of land that he had purchased in the better times when work was plentiful .
Sam had a gift not many could find . It was a strong and trust in God .
That was the reason Sam stayed on in Ardslad . He prayed hard every day for a change or a sign from God . Every morning as Sam walked the dog he would pary and talk with God on the way .
He spoke about the great need he had to provide for his family and asked Gods help to change the circumstances that fell on him .
One cold winters morning as Sam walked along the road that encircled the Lilly Dam he saw a man fast asleep on a bench near the dams edge .
It was always so quiet and deserted in the morning that Sam was amazed to find this man there , As her approached him Sam touched his shoulder .
The man jumped up in a hurry and screamed which mad Sam jump and his dog snap at the stranger .
Sam scolded the dog and made an apology to the man who was now standing on his feet beside Sam .
Sam asked ,
‘”Are you ok . Do you need see the doctor or get a tetanus shot the hospital .“
“No I’m fine . “
Came the reply as he held out his hands and arms to show there was damage done. Sam was surprises as his dog really did sink its teeth into the mans hand .
“Are you hungry ?”
Sam asked .
“Well actually yes I am .”
He answered .
“Listen then come home with me . I’m sure I have something at home to fill you a little . If that’s ok with you .“
Sam said .
“That’s very kind of you . That would be great thanks “.
Came the reply .
They walked away from the dam and in about half an hour they were at Sam’s front door .Sam took him in and sat him at table .
His wife and kids were just getting out of bed as Sam began to fry a few eggs and put on a pot of tea .
The whole family stood and watched Sam , intrigued at what they saw .
The visitor sat and smiled at everyone .
Sam wife pulled him aside in another room and said ,
“What’s going on . Are you mad . We hardly have enough to eat ourselves and your taking in strangers off the street . This is our home not a charity .“
Sam looked at her for a few moments and replied .
“I know darling . Don’t be hard on me . The mans been sleeping out in the cold with no food . We have more than some so lets not take for granted everything we have .”
His wife answered
“I guess you’re right Sam . Its just so difficult now.”
“Sure I know , but God is good . He will provide .”
Sam said and returned to serve breakfast to their guest .
After eating everything put in front of him the visitor said ,
“Would you mind if I was to call again ?”
Not at all . Any time OK ?”
Sam replied .
After the visitor left the house there was a beautiful smell of roses around the house . The aroman remained most of the day . As evening fell
There was a knock at the front door ./
Sam opened it up and to his surprise there was the man back again but with two friends with him .
The all looked tired and hungry .
“Come inside and sit down by the fire .“
Sam said .
The man replied ,
“These are two good friends of mine . Could I trouble you for some food and a place to sleep ?”
“Not a problem . We have some soup left from dinner and the firs is goodf all night so just take a place there by the fire .”
Sam send the kids to bed and his wife brought three bowls of soup to the guests who began to pray .
“Bless this house and those in it . Lord these are good people who have provided food and shelter for us this night .“
After that they ate the bread and supped the soup and then fell asleep in front of the fire . Sam and his wife returned to their bedroom and slept soundly until morning .
Early before most were awake , Sam took the dog lead from a drawer and then went to the back door to call the dog inside for their morning walk .
One of the men by the fire stood up and went over and placed a hand on hios shoulder saying ,
“He hears your prayers you know Sam .”
What ?”
Sam replied
s .
“Every morning ion your walk as you talk to him he hears everything you say and that’s why he sent us .”
“I don’t understand . Who are you ?”
Sam asked .
The other two men got to their feet . One of them said /
‘He knows everything .”
‘who ?”
Sam asked and one of the visitors replied ,.
“God . That’s who approved us to come here .“
The three placed their hands over Sam and began to speak in a strange tongue .Sam felt an energy flow through his body . In a few seconds every question that was on Sam mind had been answered .
“Goodbye Sam we have to go now . God will provide for you . “
After the three men left Sam put the lead on the dog and walked out the door slightly on air almost floating .
On the way to the dam he saw the brightest light he had ever saw break through a spot in the overcast sky . A sunbeam shone down and touched a bare patch ground near the edge of the dam . Sam walked to where the light was and felt an urge to dig . With his bare hands he started to scrape away the dirt . His dog joined in clawing up the dirt .
Then at about half a metre deep there it was .
The biggest gold nugget you could imagine . Shinning in the light of the sunbeam that now disappeared .
Sam carried the large nugget home and was soon the talk of the town .
From poverty to richness Sam and his family were able to leave the village and make a new start in life .
The End
By Paul McCann
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