Miguel De La Cruz

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I have 29 stories published in 6 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 28767 times 3 of my 30 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2 votes

Miguel De La Cruz's picture

If you'd like to contact me, idsuggestioned@gmail.com

My stories


There I was, in the midst of battle when I heard a great wail of a newborn babe. The sound of the wailing pierced my ears as I plunged my sword in...

Chapter Two: Homecoming

The Keep Master was infuriated that I overstepped my bounds, and threatened to kick me out. I know him well enough to know he won't follow through,...

Chapter One: The Hand That Feeds

My life had been a happy one, until the death of my father. Even on his deathbed I was not able to tell him my secrets, the ones that haunted me. I...

A Songstress' Lore of Lies

Chapter three: here we go again.. "I've come to finish what I started." Mr Devoe reeked of alcohol and cigarettes. He stood there menacing, hitting...

A Songstress' Lore of Lies

The Songstress' Lore of Lies Chapter 2 The hospital discharged me a couple days later, but I had James bring my make-up work while I stayed. I still...


3 of my comments have received 2 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote


Posted on Tue, 09 Sep 2014

Too much description for my taste. I like to keep conversations and decriptions balanced. Also, daemons are guardian spirits, right?

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Posted in The Newgate Witch

1 Vote

Quick thought: careful with

Posted on Wed, 05 Feb 2014

Quick thought: careful with your plot, people will logic a death toll, so prepare for that. if peopke halted there must be airplanes, buses, cars that had people unconcerningly listening, could crash down. If youre working an anarchist plot, dont...

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Posted in The Day The World Economy Stopped