Parson Thru

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I have 1411 stories published in 11 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 2138520 times and 538 of my stories have been cherry picked.
208 of my 5,385 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 221 votes

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My stories

The wind in the wood

With love

Carlos y Javier - June 2016 Pt 2

Twenty-four hours had passed since Javier’s admission into hospital. He’d begun to organise his thoughts and was arguably in better mental condition...

Carlos y Javier - June 2016 Pt 1

Carlos received the call around 9pm. Javier had taken his usual afternoon stroll around the town through the plazas and cafes in search of...

Another soul

And another soul passes One among tens of thousands today Some of them screaming He, quietly holding the side of the bed Waiting But he was my soul...

Benavente thoughts 2

What a strange world this has become where comedy and tragedy occupy the same stage oblivious to one another What a strange god we've discovered that...
