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I have 560 stories published in 40 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 630148 times and 71 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 137 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

pepsoid's picture

Ah I dunno... let me think about it...

My stories


Larry and Mick Contemplate the Deeper Meaning(s) of Existence

"It was once considered to be 42," said Larry. "And now?," said Mick. "I know not," said Larry. "I feel that we must go deeper." Upon which, Larry...

Larry and Mick Play Hopscotch With Gerbils

Larry pointed. Mick followed the direction of Larry's pointing. Larry said, "Look at that hopscotch... um..." "Field?" "Pitch?" "Court?" "Designated...


So Sally saw Simon. "'Sup?," said Sally. "Safe," said Simon. Sally sighed. Simon sighed (simultaneously). "See!," said Sally (she seemed scared). "...

The Origin of the Eucharist

After a hard day’s sermoning, Jesus (who was the Christ) was sitting in a dark corner of a tavern, having a glass of wine and some bread. He also had...

Larry and Mick and the Purple Pandemic

"People are still getting haircuts and using tanning booths!," said Larry, as he burst through the front door. "Don't they know there's an apocalypse...
