Larry and Mick Contemplate the Deeper Meaning(s) of Existence

By pepsoid
- 955 reads
"And now?," said Mick.
"I know not," said Larry. "I feel that we must go deeper."
Upon which, Larry went to his writing bureau, atop which was a small drawer with a label affixed thereupon. 'Scrap Paper,' sayeth the label.
He took out a scrap of paper from said drawer, dipped his quill into a pot of fresh ink and wrote thereupon (in a fancy font):
He took said paper scrap, frowned a bit, then requested of Mick:
"Dearest friend, could you please fill a bowl with water?"
"Sure thang," said Mick.
Larry frowned.
"Sorry," said Mick, who then proceeded to fulfil his friend's request.
"Stop," said Larry, before Mick had even gotten past the thinking part of the request fulfilment.
Mick raised his eyebrows.
"You haven't made enquiries as to the specifics of my request," said Larry.
"How remiss of me," said Mick. "Could you please, as they say, 'fill me in,' where regards the specifics of your request?"
"I would be most obliged to do so," said Larry.
(Mick was starting to get a bit annoyed.)
To cut an already shortish story 5% shorter, Larry requested that Mick fill the washing up bowl to about 3cm from the top. Upon completion thereof, Larry took his scrap of paper upon which he had scribed the number which would be the answer to the following sums...
7 x 6
6-squared + 6
(4 x 5) + (3 x 9) - 5
7 x 3 x 2
(and so on)
... and carefully placed it on the water in the bowl, so that it rested on the meniscus there pertaining.
"Eh?," said Mick.
"Now look under the scrap of paper," said Larry.
"What in the name of Delilah and her Dancing Dungarees are you-..."
But upon a raising of the hand from his chum, Mick did as he was bid and the answers that he didn't know he was seeking were revealed to him.
"Bubbles," said Mick, as he peered awkwardly under the rapidly dissolving scrap of paper, in what was becoming a very dilute ink solution.
"Deep," said Larry.
"Not really," said Mick.
"But deeper than 42," said Larry.
Which was kind of true.
[ fin ]
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