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I have 1357 stories published in 5 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 611377 times and 27 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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P K Routray


My stories

A saintly observation

A saintly observation P K Routray Society does not go down and ruin, because of criminals heinous action, but because of good people’s inaction,


Goal P K Routray Swami Vivekananda is a renowned Indian spiritual Master, known for his wisdom and nineteenth century famous Chicago lecture.


FAN MAN P K Routray The name may not be there in Google net or any dictionary, But it is a real name of a trade in past never an imaginary. It may be year of nineteen fifty nine,


Thoughts P K Routray The less is the frequency of thoughts the more is the man calm and composed. The more is the frequency of thoughts, the more to agitation and turmoil the man is exposed.

A six liner

A six liner P K Routray Accept your past, without any regret to lambast. Handle your present, without any tension but by being confident. Face your future, without fear of failure.
