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I have 13 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 7027 times and 4 of my stories have been cherry picked.

pleurotus's picture

Hello, thank you for reading and visiting. I figured I would join this site in hopes that it could help me be a better writer. I have never found a platform for the little diddles I dream up (or the long ones either). I would be most appreciative of any honest feedback you would care to leave on my work. I'm also looking to read work by you all so drop me a note if you'd care to!

My stories


Some Sincere Apologies, Some Not

It's not my fault I take the stairs two at a time And it's not my fault I believe in always handing out third chances... That's the way my mother...

Day Dreams and Welcome Mats

You come from a world that I have only tried to know. I remember the time I sent you a drawing. Eagerly, Eagerly, Eagerly waiting for your response...

Wet Heat Thoughts

Being alone in the city makes me feel beautiful and sad at the same time. I feel dangerously close to Esther Greenwood at this moment. There is...

where does this leave me?

it’s been a long time since i’ve woken up covered in the sweat-wetness of another person. the last time i didn’t want to shower for three days, but i...

To the woman who lives in 2C

I feel your warmth and I hear your breath, but I wish so much to know what you look like. I wish I knew the word in your language for how I am feeling, I would whisper it over and over again to you. I wish I could smell your shampoo, your neck, your sweat. I wish to hold you, to touch you back, to have a body that fits with yours. But I will take what I can get. I felt complete in this moment with you, your live body against my
