I have 35 stories published in
2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 30531 times
and one story has been cherrypicked. 1 of my 40 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote
The muse of writing sits gently on my hand For a split second And before I can soak in its colors Takes flight A fluttering, shivering butterfly Lost...
Memory is old, scarred and twisted plastic You can’t drown it, You can’t burn it You can bury it. Only for it to resurface when you dig Leaving your...
The antennae twitch in the air Reaching out for invisible meaning in the emptiness The waves of air apprising about friend, foe lover Distance height...
Perfect from beginning till end
Posted on Sun, 04 Jan 2015
For me this is a new rendition of the 'beauty and the beast'.
Read full commentPosted in The dragonfly & the frog