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I have 88 stories published in 8 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 49767 times and 31 of my stories have been cherry picked.

prozacdolls's picture

My stories

Journal entry

So many sad events this week. That terrible calamity of gross, historical proportions. The loss of so many beautiful, simply innocent lives never...


Hair, a mess, mascara in black trails down my cheeks, feathers from a bird that attacked me matted into the dirt caked onto this shirt that I love...

Past Regrets

My darling, eyes downcast, furrows deeply ridden across the plain syntax of your worded regret. Such a small trail of tears cascaded down your face...

For NeverNeverLand

Clouds, PeterPan, and Airplanes


Simple story of next-door neighbors falling in love.
