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I have 254 stories published in 10 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 136972 times and 201 of my stories have been cherry picked.
5 of my 137 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 5 votes

purplehaze's picture
Hazel McSporran


My stories

Journal 16th November

The cats gather about us hoping for something more appealing than the dried cat food. They are mostly disappointed, but it never stops them hoping. Fabulous teachers, cats.

Journal 15th Nov

Slow motion while everything around me whizzes. Except the trees. And me. I know them. I know how it feels to be like a tree. Standing. Watching. Apparently motionless, but pumping inside. Pulse of energy, vast and hidden. Until the Spring.

Journal 14th Nov

When you stay with other people for a while you get new influences. Recipes you'd never known, music you'd never heard. Themes that will remind you of them always.

I met a librarian

I wish I was a library book So you'd pluck me from the shelf Run your fingers down my spine Open me, reading between my lines. Take me to bed Or your favourite chair I'd fill your head An

In English

I stop, breathe and remember his eyes. Those ice blue wolf eyes. Full of life. The joy of life. The mystery of life. In that moment, as he leaned over, tapped the top of my book and asked me, "Tell me, what is it like in English?
