Rebecca Nesbit

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I have 3 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 7207 times and 6 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Rebecca Nesbit's picture
Rebecca Nesbit

Science and surrounding ethical issues are my main passion, and much of my fiction and non-fiction reflects this. My first novel, A Column of Smoke, charts the personal and professional dilemmas facing a young scientist.

I live in Hertfordshire, UK, and in 2009 completed my PhD on butterfly migration.

My website,, has links to more of my writing, and I look forward to meeting fellow writers on Twitter: @RebeccaNesbit. Thank you for all your comments.

My collections

My stories


The man I loved

It was only after her mother’s death that Cristobel began to visit the care home. Why? Because before that she hadn’t imagined her mother’s demise...
Gold cherry


In December 2009 the circle line stopped being a circle. Before, you could spend the whole day riding it, counting the stations and watching as...
Gold cherry
Story of the week

Twenty-first century confessionals

We met in an online forum, hoping that sharing our secrets would let us live with our guilt. It didn’t work of course. If guilt drives you top join...