Reid Laurence

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I have 122 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 94492 times and 10 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Reid Laurence's picture
Reid Laurence

My stories

Good Friends and Family

Thinking to myself, I just can’t get over the good feeling I get when I look back on all the people I have in my life who love and appreciate me.

Vote For Who?

“Dinner’s done Ellie. C’mon in an sit down. We’re doing a real ‘sit down with each other, family type thing tonight’.”

We Need Dollars... Not Change

“Hey boy! Where is that lazy, shiftless, son-of-a…” “Here I am Mr. Obama. Hold on sir, I’ll get your car right away.”


Well... here I am, I thought, as I looked up at the great, big, marquee in front of me.

Purple Heart Fatigue

Driving myself to the neighborhood grocery store, I pulled in to the same old spot as usual, put the car in ‘park’ and turned off the ignition.
