Reid Laurence

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I have 122 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 97958 times and 10 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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Reid Laurence

My stories

Getting Along

"So... them homersexials gonna get married now, er what?" "Huh? What are you talking about?" "You know the ones. They was jes talk'in 'bout 'em on the radio. Them ones in Massachusetts."


"Dad, I'm hungry," I heard my daughter say from where she was sitting on the living room sofa.

This Game Of Chance

"Come here and warm your hands by the fire, Mary. Isn't it great!? This is liv'in!" "Hold on a minute. I'll be right there," replied my wife, in an anxious tone. "You could help me get the snow off Solomon's feet you know. He's gonna get the carpet all wet."

Breaking News!

Breaking News!

They're Here!

Yes friends, I'm sorry that I must play the harbinger of truth this time, but the way I look at it, if I don't tell you, then who will? Or maybe a better way to phrase the question is, among those who are left, who will be the one to speak out and inform those who still remain? Who among us can set their fears of retaliation aside for a few moments, at least long enough to speak out from the rock they're hiding under?
