They're Here!
By Reid Laurence
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Yes friends, I'm sorry that I must play the harbinger of truth this time, but the way I look at it, if I don't tell you, then who will? Or maybe a better way to phrase the question is, among those who are left, who will be the one to speak out and inform those who still remain? Who among us can set their fears of retaliation aside for a few moments, at least long enough to speak out from the rock they're hiding under?
You see, it isn't my intention to cause a panic, for one thing, there would be no purpose to it. The way I see it, all I can do right now is to make the greater populace aware of what's been going on behind their backs. In fact... all I really need to say is,
They're Here!
For those of you who don't have much time to read, I'll make this as brief as possible. I may as well just come out and say that for years, aliens from a planet in orbit around the star we call, Alpha Centauri have been coming to Earth. Once here, they don't waste time. They take over the bodies of prominent politicians all over the world, doing their best to cause chaos and dissension. But if it's proof you need in order to make you believe in what I'm saying, then it's proof I'll give you.
Remember that little fiasco we had a while back concerning Vice President Cheney when he very nearly killed the seventy-eight year old lawyer he was hunting with? That was no accident. Only a botched attempt on an unsuspecting man's life. Yes, you guessed it! Cheney is an alien.
Now then, if you still don't believe you recall the little hurricane we had in Louisiana that obliterated the coastline? The one that pushed thousands out of their homes and out into the streets? Yes, I know you remember, I don't have to tell you. We all lived through it together. But what I'm telling you is that no one but an alien would have acted with such complete disregard as President Bush has. You must realize that he had the chance to reinforce and rebuild a hundred year old concrete retaining wall but refused and ignored the situation, allowing some of the most incredible flood waters the United States has ever witnessed to destroy vast square miles of what was once beautiful, American shoreline. You guessed it friends... Bush is an alien too!
I'm running out of time now. I can't report much more right now because at any moment, I expect my wife to walk in the door and start questioning me about what I've been doing. She always does... and you know why too, don't you? Of course you do. She's an alien too, sent here to try to stop me from reporting the truth.
The truth is that the poor people who are running across our precious borders are not the aliens we need to live in fear of. The aliens we need to fear have been right here under our noses all along! They are the ones who are doing the most damage to us, and I'm sorry to have to tell you again, that...
They're Here!
Goodbye for now, and may God help us all.
Reid Laurence
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