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I have 1269 stories published in 10 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 1169847 times and 108 of my stories have been cherry picked.
8 of my 206 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 8 votes

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Sean Lawlor Nelson

American; 40; divorced with 3 kids; I've lived in Sweden and Thailand; and have devoted 40 years to the literary endeavor. I've been a part of this literary community forever; and won many cherry awards from our eminent editors. Thanks to my fellow literati in this community.

My stories

on Proletariatry and other subjects

I write today to those who may find themselves contemplating my poetry. As I look back on all that I've written, sometimes I feel a certain disgust. I see so much self-centered maniacy. But I also see gems of compassionate, universal expression. I could go back and eliminate everything that doesn't fit with my current philosophy. But, after some thought, I've decided to keep it all out there... so the reader can see my voyage of learning.

from the "oregon institute of technology" library

ADVENTURE is by its very nature unplannable chaotic! the collision of different worlds the end of the status quo, a major change in the river's flow one could say adventure is the melding of necessity and valour,


Them's everywhere bouncing through the dark, warning of the shark, from distant meadowlarks,

At Hermano's Mexican Dream Theater

At Herman's Dream Theatre (for madmen only,) they eat juicy garbage grinders or colorful Spanish lobsters, (depending on the light of the moon.) There's loud smacking, electrified fur, proud laughing,

A Fervent Ode to Human Possibility

among the wise it seems agreed that 'mid the anarchy of over-modern humanity, there are many promising seeds which may survive the silicon storm and (with any luck) push their heads above the merchantile muck.
