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I have 1269 stories published in 10 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 1169685 times and 108 of my stories have been cherry picked.
8 of my 206 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 8 votes

seannelson's picture
Sean Lawlor Nelson

American; 40; divorced with 3 kids; I've lived in Sweden and Thailand; and have devoted 40 years to the literary endeavor. I've been a part of this literary community forever; and won many cherry awards from our eminent editors. Thanks to my fellow literati in this community.

My stories

I Sought Elation

I found: colossal Mount Shasta swallowed in a milky halo, three orange leviathans swimming beneath the frozen surface of a garden pond,


Tommorow is the first day of the rest of my life and I have a chance to make this true.


In the grand rush of youth, I too took the road less traveled, actually more a trail than a road, straight up the side of the mountain. I rushed past...

A Vision From Bull Rock

Seek and you shall find; knock and the door shall be opened to you; pray and tranquillity will be granted you.


There's nothing quite like concrete: miracle of abstract chemistry, canvas of gasoline rainbows, foundation of the information economy, the cyanide...
