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I have 5 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 3093 times

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My collections

My stories

Grasping At Nettles

Breathlessly we climb the non-metamorphic hillside the glare squinting at our shadows your fatherly hand steering my footing. You fill my head with your 'earth nectar'¦ I marvel at the volcanic rock

A Half-light declaration

Whispering in hair stroking softness at three am I mingle profundity with nonsense to form messages that loop around your neck like my outstretched arms. The checked bedspread shields me as in the grey light I seek your scrutiny

A ditty on divorce and A toast to amicable break ups

A Ditty on Divorce: Shall I name several instances of betrayal Or quote well-meaning advice? No I'll go forth in anger And dream of squeezing his genitals in a vice. ---()()()--- A Toast To Amicable Break Ups

How Sweet That Is

Our pedals spin and whir we career along a gravel path. Beneath the squinting grey I listen to our intimate soundtrack. Cycling tall in conifers, following your curved back that maps my way, caught in the thrill of future reminiscing

A Hijacked Nation

A Hi-jacked Nation The TV runs on a loop: Torn clothing, ashen faces, wails of realisation, Maniacal sirens and amber alarms, blood running from foreheads and knees. Concrete monoliths shadow the victims