I have 1022 stories published in
3 collections on the site.
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and 15 of my stories have been cherry picked. 4 of my 310 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 3 votes
Jason Kim and Jessica Kwon are driving to a party in his car. So who was she? No one. Did you fuck her? As she asks this, she buries her face in her hands. You did, didn't you?
Jason Lee sped through the highway into his girlfriend's living room. Hi Hi She was smoking cooly on the living room couch. She did not bother to get up. Instead, Jason sat next to her.
to be happier than I, shining from so far away so cold they look although they are actually hot. My self was broken and damaged looking like the pieces of a dying art I was driven to despair
I have seen you sometime before before the light began to glow heads abuzz with ideas, before the lights began to glow. I have wandered through the streets seeking solace in my loneliness.