Venus red

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I have 6 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 2172 times

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My stories

I think the debate with my brain, cleared a few dieting obstacles...

Day three on my new improved sandwich diet. Day three is usually a challenging diet day on most of my diet attempts. So I am ready for my brain to...

'No Lectures, please!' I am not dumb...

I feel a rant coming on. Well more of a vent. A opinionated 'vent'...One of my pet peeves, is people who assume things about me & talk to me in a...

The Key To A Successful Weight Loss Diet -

Oh! My! Gosh! Best diet 'Ever!' As you can tell, my new improved diet is going well. It is day two. Things could change, if I let them change, but...

A Heated Debate With My Brain - Sandwich Diet Day One...

So today I have started out on my new 'improved' weight loss journey of discovery. Discovering my slim, healthy, fit self. The key to successul...

The Sandwich Diet 'My version'

Gawd! I feel that sometimes I try too hard to recreate...Like I start writing for the readers, rather then writing from the heart. I don't want to...
