'No Lectures, please!' I am not dumb...
By Venus red
- 197 reads
I feel a rant coming on. Well more of a vent. A opinionated 'vent'...One of my pet peeves, is people who assume things about me & talk to me in a patronising, condesending, up themselves; way...Obviously on line, in text, you can't always get the context, you can't see the other persons expressions, or hear their tone. Then there is 'not' writing a long winded, rambling explaination...
I have learned, over the years, as part of my 'self' so called cognitive behaviour therapy; to pick my battles, as they say. Memes are great for 'self' CBT...Its like 'Cognitive behaviour therapy' is used for depression, personality disorders. So it is judged by some. As you must be one of those mentally ill people I want to avoid...
I have suffered from depression & had a nervous break down, but as far as being stigma worthy. I myself don't think I am 'Mentally ill' Or emotionally insecure, or any of those, to me 'Black & white' judgments, based on ignorance...
The condesending person? Well. This person obviously did not read my comment properly. I was not asking for a lecture on why girls were often not diagnosed with aspergers...but...I was commenting on a aspergers group. I should be aware that certain people will not understand that there is more to the words I wrote, to strangers, no need to explain my life. So no need to show that I know why my daughter was diagnosed at age 21 years, not at age 3, when I knew she had aspersgers...
There is so much more to it, then what I am writing here. I tend to assume that people are capable of doing the research to learn as much as possible about their childs condition. I say condition, because 'Yeah!' It is a condition. I dare say someone will feel justified it enlightening me on their point of view, spouting all what they read & memorised on the subject, therefore making them an expert, on the stranger, on line, they know fook all about...Um!
The thing is. They behave this 'Narrow minded' Thoughtless, insensitive 'Black & white' Quick to judge & assume; way. If I respond in kind. I feel bad, I feel guilty, I feel 'Just ignore' Rise above. Block! It wasn't all that bad. I just feel niggly...I am reacting 'To myself' based on past experiences....
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, their own reaction, to think, feel, be whoever they want to be. She assumed I needed a lecture, because she assumed I did not know. Fair enough, let her have that. That her be. There is no need to explain myself to her. This is me, the way I think, feel, react, but...There is of course the 'Instant' first reaction. Before my logical mind jump starts...
My daughter won't join the aspergers group, because she feels they are too negative & argumentative. I think that goes for all groups of people. I want her to make friends, but...To be fair on her, I brought her up not to use her autism as an excuse for her behaviour. I taught her how to behave like a so called NT. As in a neaurotypical, non autistic person...Females on the so called spectrum are often misdiagnosed, because they find it easier to so called mimic. Not in a P taking way; in a behave a certain way to fit in...
I could write so much more, but I want to go out...I feel less niggly now I have left those thoughts in my journal...Often my thoughts, that niggle, are not as extreme as could be misconstrued...If I was to give my thoughts a score out of 10. It would be 3 'Niggly thoughts' 1 'Pfffft!' 6 'Carry on with my life' Where as, often. People percieve a person who rants, vents, whatever; as angry, frustrated, hurt, needing advice, needing a lecture. No. So called venting in a journal is all that is needed. For me, anyway. I find it helps me get my thoughts in perspective...
Nuff said for now...
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