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I have 10 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 6623 times

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Zanne Findlay

My collections

My stories

Autumn Equinox

I: We are not saying leave the work when the momentum is high, but consider where in the seasons you are when the momentum is low. Making life hard is not just about changing actions but changing your attitude of mind to encompass the time of year. If you are getting lots of people feeling burdened at the moment, be aware that this is partly the time of year when the feeling of being burden is highest. When there is a sense of no light at the end of the tunnel, because darkness is increasing and light is decreasing. Not everything can be changed by the individual alone ' the force of nature, change and renewal are too strong, as they should be.

Crash and burn

As you look closer you realise that there is not one pattern, but patterns within patterns, and twists and turns like infinity sweeping back across the sections, making new connections across old markings. Sometimes treading the same path time and time again, and sometimes adding new colours, new twists, new directions. It is beautiful, exquisite. It is orchestrated by a hand and a mine far greater than yours, and it is indeed your life.

A shadow of doubt

MYSELF: A shadow of doubt, more like a full sky of grey clouds of doubt! ME: But that has changed. At first, 12 years ago, I don't think I could even accept the concept of a spirit world let alone being able to connect with it and get advice and guidance. But over time, and in times of the greatest difficulty, I have found that really that is the one place I can go to get consistently good advice and comfort from the interaction. I find the daily meditations healing of themselves. Not just the words, but the quieting of my body and my mind and my physical sense of being connected to the universe.

No more brouhaha

In any conversation with another person you are dealing with the three aspects of them, just as your morning meditations are attempting to align on paper the three aspects of your self. But, in distress, their aspects are not likely to be in agreement or even alignment. Their personality might be fighting with the soul, and their practical aspect will be watching every word to try and double guess the impression they are creating on the receiver. So how many aspects of yourself would you want to add to that mix?

Seeing the light in the world

My belief in life after death, the continuation of the soul and the realms of learning have made me realise the importance of this life, but also have made me see death as part of progression. That has assisted me hugely when people I have known have died, or when I am looking for meaning in seemingly meaningless tragedies. But that more than anything else has separated me from my friends and those I would want to help in their grief, because trite words about death not being the end may seem offensive at the time they are most needed.
