Certificate PG

Parental guidance suggested for children

The Worm

Of all of my books, it is De Vermis Mysteriis that is the most mysterious. An old book copied from much older sources, translated into different languages and kept hidden, it details long lost civilisations and their monstrous gods. For our history is a crafted lie, created to hide the fact that we are not the first intelligent races to exist on this planet.

John's Conscience

Rolling fields edged with brier where shepherd John observes his flock, he relishes in beauty of landscape's magnitude, desperately holding on to...

My Son Josiah 1

Matthew was driving to the church leaders' meeting at Piddledon Farm. He passed a child on a tricycle. "This is a very dangerous road," said Matthew...
Gold cherry

Strange Advent

A revision of a poem I posted last year. Sadly, nothing has changed. Image courtesy of Grumpy Beere from Pixabay

Strictly S and M

It's a popular show about dancing. The best are all preening and prancing. But there's always a boil that needs lancing. And a surfeit of sideways...

I Fought the Law (Dead Reckoning series - Part 37)

In which the Detectives move their investigation on, despite D.S. Stone's objections, and Josiah and Archibald gain legal representation, of sorts!

What it’s like to be dyslexic from personal experience

Academics and experts write reams about my condition but I believe I can offer a unique perspective as adult dyslexic adult myself, self advocacy is...