The Archibald Archives

A wealthy family from the Hamptons finds itself in dire straits when a death unleashes a series of events that uncovers all of this family's secrets.

(This is a work in progress and there's still a long way to go before it's completed. I hope you can give me constructive criticism and thoughts on it.)

Chapter II: ALESSA

120 mph, 125 mph, 130 mph, 135 mph, and 140 mph her speedometer marked as she made her way up the Sunrise Highway. I’m going too fast, she thought...


If it's meant to happen, it'll happen, he remembered as he tried to make himself get off bed at 5 and a half in the morning. Never before in his life...


Louder, louder , she told herself over and over in her head. You have got to scream louder . Everyone needed to believe the act. Tears had always...


*/ It is very warm today , she thought as she gazed over her backyard fence onto the beach. It was a beautiful contrast of blues; from the piercing,...