astral weeks

And did those feet in ancient time walk upon England's mountains green?

And was the holy Lamb of God on England's pleasant pastures seen?

And did the Countenance Divine shine forth upon our clouded hills?

And was Jerusalem builded here among these dark Satanic Mills?


Bring me my Bow of burning gold: Bring me my Arrows of desire:

Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold! Bring me my Chariot of fire.

I will not cease from Mental Fight, nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand

Till we have built Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant Land.

– William Blake

sparkling rainbow robe

blanket softly shy wrapped tight in a lullaby peaceful safely serene slumber warmly wound snugly in a shroud of dreams sweet sleep gliding spirit far...

* m * i * r * a * n * d * a *

your name is written in the stars

a rainbow romance

Believe in life and love believing Loving life in ever living hope ~ A delicate dream starlit shadows Sparkling fantasy dazzling visions Transports...

Ancient Of Days

“He is the lily of the valleys He is the bright shining morning star” He is in the splendour in the rainbow Clear night skies myriads stars adorned...


oh lovely the day bright the sun's rise bolder the hope bolder the dream nearer the vast nearer the blue love is the sky and passion the sun brave is...

faithful to the dream

fountains between sand and foam burning desert screams shady water creation's hope faithful to the dream rainbow true to sea to eden's heaven all...

it is true

hear the silent voice of god do you see the light of jesus feel the strength of faith feel the light of immanuel is it is it is it is it it is it is...


every heartbeat poem of love space dust and stars fall into a kaleidoscope tunnel of forget other side around you wrapped in a moonbeam ~ sparkling...

love rages and sighs

banners fly onwards filled of faith emerald and sapphire gentle peace love rages and sighs a ruby's glow heart of courage carries the torch desert of...

march of the muse

her footprints glow her shadow falls on deserted plains and moonlit valleys she climbs the silver spiral stairway to crystalline skies to pristine...

moment of a miracle

endless now everlasting undying moment of conception spark ever living lightning bolt immortal force ever alive the miracle thrill of wild fierce...

morning dreams

sweetly fair precious sleep gently adored miracle in peaceful bliss moonshine cloak magic shroud hold tight warm soft safe embrace , courting doves...

prince of peace

who speaks with a voice deep as the thunder like a lion that growls and roars? who comes at night silent in secret as a thief his fiery chariots in...

rainbow nights

sparkling starlight in you eyes moonshine silver kissed glittering magic sands run night visions and forgotten tales vague as in a glass in a dream...

salt and steel

on the wind drifts the foam gliding home seagulls roam it's the salt it's the wash it's the sand it's the rush full moon ghostly over the chill...

steam and track

the surf foam's sliding white to and fro now rise then fall golden dunes shifting sands misty sprays in rainbow sky wind hush rush rush past forever...


she’s a breath of air she’s a moonlit night she’s a midnight dance she’s a kiss of light! her voice is music her touch is care her spirit sanctity...


a beautiful miracle a miraculous beauty northern muse she walks on the solid ground she walks on the solid earth and she knows what her wisdom is...

The Threshold

when a man is a dweller of the threshold she's all he lives for, wrap your words around her soldier, wrap your words around her ~ standing at the...