Ancient Of Days
By Nolan
Tue, 15 Jul 2014
- 631 reads
“He is the lily of the valleys
He is the bright shining morning star”
He is in the splendour in the rainbow
Clear night skies myriads stars adorned
He is in morning’s rose of crystalline dew
Thundering waters whispering daybreak
O’ Vision of unbearable beauty
Youth of ages ancient of days!
The Son
Son of man of years uncounted
Tenderest of heart bravest into battle
King of a thousand thousand kings
Darling baby Jesus that Christmas morn
Born is our saviour born is our Lord
Let your spirits rise in rapture
Dawned is the day of our salvation
Sing all of nature sing all the heavens
Sing all of mankind sing over the earth
Sing every soul jubilate all of creation!
The Holy Spirit
Let the skies open beautiful visions
As mist descend Your Holy Ghost
On fields of the royal garden Eden
On Jerusalem a gift of love and doves
The Son
Judah’s courage David’s throne
Master, King and Saviour of all men
Mighty heart defender of the covenant
Noble Messiah Just is Your reign
Baptised and crowned, Sovereign
Crucified resurrected and ascended
Blood spilt the holy lamb slain for me
Sinner washed by tears I’m clean
Eternal life and joy a child of God
My heart is pure my soul released
As dangers rise, raise hearts the braver
Answer strong with stronger still
Destroy the dark bring truth and light
Slaughter lies, for hate bring love
Stand stand strong his soldiers!
Marching battalions of the cross
Dreadful terrible mighty into battle
Vanquish and be Victorious!
Triumphant banners of the cross
Desert, green hills and lavender fields
Mountains misty ocean barren plains
Fly over Jerusalem, fly over Zion!
The Holy Spirit
Where the hart thirsting of mountain brooks
Deserts spring rivers miraculous waters
In abundance cool clear waters of Eden
Reviving fresh fountains cold water flowing
A gift of living waters kisses of life
Bringer of roses bringer of lilies
Dreams of bliss of shadowy vineyards
Honey milk bread in childlike wonder
The Father
Dear Father most beloved
Our Father most adored
All seeing all knowing everliving
Ever-loving ever-merciful ruler
Each blessing and every grace
In all things good, God is with us
Provider for our labour bread
Ease and rest from heavy burden
Your bosom a refuge a safe shelter
A stone castle a stronghold of rock
Your name always be sanctified
In quiet feared always revered
Judge and Crown be all power and eternal reign
Speaking bramble blazing smoke and fire
Legions of angels wing like thundering waters
Righteousness of a hundred blazing suns rising
Saved modest beloved and believers
Children the sand and stars counted
Brothers in the fields sisters in the lilies
Saints soldiers servants disciples
Swift the gospel carriers of the flame!
In feverish zeal take the plough
Tirelessly toil workers of the Lord
Want no respite no rest nor slumber
Let Israel be Your holy shrine and temple
Your living tabernacle and cathedral
Humbly worship in sacred devotion
God of David of royal Bethlehem
Raise your voices sing, sing and sing!
Enraptured in praise, rejoice rejoice!
The Holy Spirit
Call O’ Spirit call as the call of a dove
Gentle rustling of an evening breeze
Many many waters murmur
A golden church-bell wedding’s chime!
The Son
Chariots of fire in brilliant glory on the clouds
Comes our promise our hope our God with us
Kingdoms’ treasures heavens’ riches forever
Ours is paradise unending streams and clover
Earth and skies praise the risen Christ our Lord
Adored and praised be the risen Christ our King!
Forever joyful cries hallelujah hallelujahs!
Forever echoed hosanna, hosanna, hosanna
~ * ~
I have no gift to bring that’s fit to give a King
I play my drum for Him I play my best for Him
July 2014