
Sometimes the best way to explain and expound spiritual truth is by telling a story. This is certainly the pattern in the Bible, where nearly every book actually tells the story of Israel's history, of Jesus, or of the early church. My intention here is to communicate quite complicated spiritual truths not by lists of facts and Bible verses but by stories of things that have happened to me or happened to the church.

Priestman's Progress

The radio alarm turned on at 7AM. "Last night Jesus Christ won the election, but he didn't win an overall majority. David's best friend has vowed to carry on as Prime Minister."

12 Steps for Those Wishing to Recover From Christian Discipleship

We made a list of charities we had given money to, tore it up, and decided to spend all our money on holidays.

Christian Brotherhood

The priest asked, 'Why didn't you take your hat off?' The man said, 'That's the first time you've spoken to me in 20 years.' Christians need to get to know eachother better.

Church of England Megachurch 2035

When you have 200 parishes with only 10 members, and it costs £175 a day to repair each church building, you’ve got to become 1 big church.

Closed Country

This story is dedicated to my friend Yohannes, an asylum seeker who was deported to Ethiopia on Tuesday 16th January 2007, while this story was being written. Details of this story are based on real accounts of Yohannes and others like him. It is called closed country and the country it refers to is never mentioned, in the style of many missionary news reports which never mention the name of the country or the name of the Christians as this would endanger them.

The 2 Fingers of God

When there’s a revival, God makes a V sign. Stay on the right side of God and you will see victory.

That’s Death

Based on the 1970s English television series, That’s Life. This edition looks at consumer complaints from people in Hell.

Heaven or Hell?

"I shouldn't have overtaken that bicycle." "It was on the brow of the hill, wasn't it?" asked the man in a white suit. "Yes. Are you God?" "No. I'm an angel."

The First Christians

Peter saw Jesus crucified, saw Jesus risen from the dead, and was there on the day of Pentecost. This is the story of the early church through his eyes.

Real Prayer and Intercession

My prayer for Britian is this, that things will become very, very bad, because we've never had it so good and we've never been so ungodly.


If a man wanted to be a councillor he would leaflet every street in a large area, up to 4,000 houses. The church in the book of Acts did evangelism on that sort of scale.

The Johannes Verses

This series of verses from the Bible was put together after my friend Johannes was deported from this country back to Ethiopia.

Help for Your Depression

I sent this email to one of the elders at my church when he was suffering from depression.

Why Pastors Work So Much Overtime

Our Pastors are overworked. How old was he when he had the heart attack? I think he was only 57. Ordinary church members should be encouraged to evangelise and preach.

The 10 Virgins

The Bible describes Heaven's city as the New Jerusalem. It has beautiful gates which are huge pearls. The streets are paved with gold. That's where we're going when we die.

Jesus is the Bread of Life

The men ate at the feeding of the five thousand and they are actually expecting Jesus to do it again. Come on Jesus, here's a hamburger, let's see how many people we can feed with that.

God's Light

The birds would see the light of the lamp and they would start singing. The rats would see the light and they would run away. Which are you? Are you a bird or a rat?

Get Your Heart Right

When I was young, I was ambitious. I wanted to be a professor. I wanted to do it to serve God, not to make money.

What Really Happened to Lot's Wife?

Lot's wife was standing there and thinking, oh, what a lovely view. Her heart was in the city. She didn't want to leave it. She was caught up in the disaster that overtook it.

Lost Sheep and Lost Sons

The Pharisees were accusing Jesus of associating with the wrong sort of people. The tax collectors and the sinners were gathering around him. He tells them of the lost sheep.

Human Recall Notice

The Maker of all human beings is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary and central component of the heart.

How to Plant a Church

Abandon / renounce all other pursuits, interests, expensive holidays. Being His Church must be everything. You do not live in the world and go to church, you live in church and go to the world.

The Way to Heaven

Death can't separate us from God. When we die, we will be in Heaven with him. We will live with God forever. We will see him face to face.

New Praise and Worship Album

We're the Church of England, Please don't leave us. We're the Church of England, Please don't leave us.

Revival In Our Lifetime

I have prayed for revival all my life, but I wonder if I will recognise it when it comes. Will I be able to cope with the packaging in which God sends it?

Six of the Best

The divine headmaster gives the church six of the best. God’s judgement on those who pretend to be Christians but don’t really give it all they’ve got.

St. Cuthbert's Dying Words

As St. Cuthbert lay dying, one of the other monks asked him for some advice about how to live the monastic life. Much of what he said can still be applied to a Christian community today.

Tunnel Walk

A cyclist is knocked by a lorry, seriously injured, and finds himself walking down a long tunnel. But where does it lead?

Give Me Your Soul

The devil comes to ask a new Christian, why can't you be like all the other Christians?

Tell the Poor

Many years ago I offered a Christian leaflet to a man with a mobile phone in a suit who said he was too happy to be interested in God.

Radio Hell

If you tune to 666 KHZ late at night, you might hear a certain radio station.

The Politically Correct Scriptures of Chrislamindu

Father Malachi Manyways is the profit(prophet) of Chrislamindu, author of a new book that joins all the world's religions together.

The 5 People You Meet in Heaven

We are really in the cathedral, Malcolm. They can't see us because we're dead. It's got something to do with the fifth dimension. The places you go to are all real.

7 Stages of Becoming a Christian

As Christian evangelists in the 1990s we were taught about 7 stages a person went through before becoming a Christian. The 7 stages, as taught by the...

Revival Revisited

Oswald J. Smith visited Russia during a time of revival in the early 20th century. He wrote a book about the subject entitled The Revival We Need. In...

Visions of Life Beyond the Grave

In the Spirit Adullam chidren were caught up to this city time after time, not as in a dream but as a living reality. Frequently when they were in...

The Chocolate Teapot

Drunken Campbell: Why do a podcast on the subject of backsliding? We're backslidden Christians and we consider that we belong to one of the biggest...