The Ivory Tower

For One Irish Rover
Van Morrison

* Silver Spiral Stairway *

A dweller on the threshold Strange Places Out Patients The Doctor A full force gale Nkosi Bayete! ~ Precious Time Living Alone Private Psychiatric...

A dweller on the threshold

After breakfast the doors were opened and it was as one man stumble stumble trip all fall down. All over the grounds littered like corpses patients were lying around sleeping on the lawns.

Strange Places

For many days I did not eat or sleep, I had completely neglected studies there had been drinking sprees even blackouts. As psychotic I did very...

Out Patients

Still in the old building Dr Joburg spent a lot of time when I saw him he knew me from the shock treatment already. He was my first doctor at...

The Doctor

He was my first doctor at outpatients he had assisted in the shock therapy he knew me. I was devastated. Even then already he warned of drinking and...

A full force gale

There was a guy who once stopped drinking his pills. He very soon discovered that he had quite a lot of energy.

Nkosi Bayete!

As he passed knocked my friend on the head from behind, no time took him down a much bigger guy, Rooikat (lit “Red Cat”) the youngster pumping like a...

Precious Time

Often I staggered as if drunk. I was working too hard with little rest and lost conciousness twice of exhaustion. I awoke with a fright terribly startled every morning.

Living Alone

No family no friends just on my own the whole time just a handful visits and mostly work related. You know you are alone when … At last you've got...

Private Psychiatric Hospital

At last 100% the right medicines after more than 20 years state care, the food is good too but they are very strict on hospital rules, and...

Lily of the Lamplight

She admitted me to the hospital that night at reception I believed it was an emergency people get that way with anxiety, like they can't breathe and...

Bachelor of Mathematics

I've been out of circulation for long now well more than a decade, I've been isolated from society and am in safe keeping you might say, doing well I...

Disabilities and Employment

One wonders how people with a mental illness qualify in sport. They are disabled but usually not physical in any way so they must compete on even...

Fit For Work

Disabilities in the workplace Amazing things like miracles do happen I think of a friend's son. His parents thought he was disobedient, stubborn and...

An impossible Situation

Fresh from a long sea holiday everybody was very surprised when I arrived and reported for duty to be met with a disciplinary hearing and finding out...

Brutal Honesty

The staff union president and also my supposedly personal mentor, sat down in my office “I am going to be brutally honest with you”, “Some of your...

Talking to Jesus

Mornings early we began the day with singing and prayer. The choruses are amazingly beautiful with the men's deep voices the African rhythms the clapping and canons and the sisters clear and strong.


I have seen almost nobody for years now it is just me, and my brother. Just my brother and the man who cleans and works in the garden once a week I...

Illusions of Truth

This girl worked at reception night duty, phoned her often late at night in the early hours, many times from Joburg to visit her at the hospital, '...