Nature's Glory

All things bright and beautiful or sometimes not so beautiful after man has been there!


A Garden To Die For

What a pleasant way to go...

A Green Burial

Making a final plan

A Hint

I hate the Winter so I'm always looking for that first sign of Spring. I know I'm early but...

A New Dawn

A poem

A String Of Pearls

Droplets (-;

A wonderful Greeting

A piece of "Wonderful to be alive" prosetry

Autumn’s Ghost

Another seasonal poem

Come into the Garden

I just love Gardens even in the Winter.

Curious 'obby

Blank verse, an old one (Screws is an old Leicestershire slang word for Rheumatics, Mi duck is a term of endearment common to most of the East Midlands)

Death In the Afternoon

A true tale of woe

Litter In Waterworld

A poem bemoaning the awful state of litter clogging up our waterways, written in the style of John Betjeman's Slough.


Just a poem

Winter Comes

Another aspect of winter, one to remind us spring will eventually come.

High Summer

I wrote this at the time of the Boscastle disaster, but it could almost apply to anywhere and anytime even this past Summer.

The Bitter, The Sweet.

A piece of nostalgic prosetry

Sands of Time

A poem

The Road To Barnsley

Another piece of prosetry...

Heartsease Winter

My first try at a Sestina Edited 21/12/08

Hope Re-born

Written for a Hymn challenge

The Retting Pond At West Runton

A memory of a brief sojourn in North Norfolk

Harbinger Of Summer

Although it''s called Harbinger of Summer, it's really about Spring! another go at the IPOW

The Natural Garden

This weeks IP


yet another Celebration of Autumn

Demise of Summer

A seasonal poem
Gold cherry

Where is Spring?

I'm so tired of this wretched winter...

Memories Of Cherry Nibbling.(I.P.)

I should maybe throw my hat in first perhaps. My go at the IP