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Where have all your poems and stories gone?

am i going mad... are you now going by the name frank the fin? lol im confused, i guess thats your aim huh! what was your last name? or are you not even nikaya999?
I am also a little confused who is who?
I see tony calling you jasper also
blimy lol, by boy thing i guess you mean fella, unless you are a he she, and where in the world are you, im guessing usa? maybe lol your very mysterious, i can sence a funny story coming out of this bizzare conversation, can i challenge you? then i can decide if your stuff is crap or not!
Re-building a cemetary, how do you go about doing that and why did it need doing in the first place?
HE is jasper/Nikaya/frankthefin. He comes from Australia. I strongly suggest that you keep your conversations with him at arm's length.
Anonymous's picture
I'm sure Widow will be gone before it is even read by most as usual; and as usual, most of what you wrote passed over me and through me (I'm a bit dim) - but, as usual, I found a turn of phrase in there that hit me: "Spellbound in time's insatiable hunger." I love it. Jasper, do something for me, write a bit of prose - and I don't mean something telling the world how much animosity you have towards Tony or whoever on this site...I mean something like the poem you SHOULD have left on here about your ex, which was called 'ex' I think, and was really great. I think you could write a great story. One other thing, IMHO, you should probably apologise to Tony for the comment you made on the other thread - you know the one I mean. I don't want to lecture you, because I have no right to and I think you often add a lot to this site (you flagged up some wonderful work in the past, Soraia Almeida for example, among others) but you have to accept that comment was a little far, no? Even if you feel aggrieved by things said against you, it doesn't mean you need to resort to comments like that. Anyway, the apology is up to you. The prose I demand! :) Ben
Anonymous's picture
"It cost my best friend his computer and 2 years of hard work " I can only wonder..!
"While we continue to live, how can we run out of stories?" (Pepsoid 2005)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

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