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The latest newsletter went out today - i just want to check that you all got it. If you have multiple registrations then you will have received it multiple times - but only once for each registration, I trust. Let me know if there were any difficulties with it.


i received it ten times! not for multiple registrations i'm sure ...
I got about 8 copies! Thanks, anyway.
I got ten. Curiously, seven were marked as spam.


Anonymous's picture
Hi everyone, I'm Mike ... It is kind of my fault (well actually it is all my fault!) that some of you lucky people got more emails than you should. Unfortunately, due to a glitch in the matrix, a handful (ok about 5% of you) will have received up to 10 copies of the mail, which is about 9 more than you actually need. Anyway, being serious for a minute - I am truly sorry about this, and procedures will be put in place to prevent it happening again (these procedures will probably involve keeping me away from anything that even remotely looks like a computer!). Thanks for reading Mike
Mike saved the day for us on the newsletter - so multiple thanks to him for that!
I got a bunch as well, on two or three different tranches. LOL. Oh well. Far worse things have happened. "You don't need the light of the Lord to read the handwriting on the wall." Copies of Warsaw Tales available through
I got a bunch as well, on two or three different tranches. LOL. Oh well. Far worse things have happened in my life. "You don't need the light of the Lord to read the handwriting on the wall." Copies of Warsaw Tales available through
I got a bunch as well, on two or three different tranches. LOL. Oh well. Far worse things have happened in my life. "You don't need the light of the Lord to read the handwriting on the wall." Copies of Warsaw Tales available through
ooo i got two more while i was out ... thanks mike ...
Aww, I haven’t received any yet! But then our Broadband has serious commitment issues. If it stays up long enough for me to post this, I’ll be amazed. ~
I got 12, does that make me the winner? I got really excited when I saw I had 18 new emails waiting for me this morning and that perhaps I was experiencing a fluke burst of popularity. I feel a bit let down now. jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


I only got one. That makes me sad. :-( pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

i got two more in my bulk mailbox ... so that makes 14 - beat ya jude ...
I got fourteen too. It's a draw! Joe
Anonymous's picture
Spack and Fish - could you both give a couple of your extra ones to pepsoid just to make things a bit fairer ... I am still so sorry! Mike
I don't want sloppy seconds! pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

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