2012 Olympic Logo.

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2012 Olympic Logo.

What do you think of it? I think it looks like a pile of rubble after a terrorist attack, which may prove grimly portentous.

Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
Usually, I couldn't give a monkey's about these sorts of things, but this is different. Can it really be that I'm going to have to look at that half a million pound shambles daily for the next five years? What cretin signed this off? Some joker lets their six year old loose with Paint and a 'fun' font and Seb Coe plasters it all over the streets of London, England, Europe, the world? Idiots.



They've already had to remove the flashing image from their website as it has induced epileptic fits in about 80 people. £400,000 for that load of bollocks!? I don't know about epilepsy I'm suffering from catalepsy.


If the Olympics didn't syphon so much money from the arts, maybe one of those talented but unemployed artists could've come up with something better. (PS. yes, it is a bit cack) pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (www.pepsoid.wordpress.com(link is external))

The All New Pepsoid the Second!


Well, I like it! It's different, it's not bland, it conveys a sense of movement and of London (in shape) and it's able to be adapted for all sorts of fun purposes. These things are not easy to do, are always ridiculed and often become iconic. I think that this one will as well.
I agree, TC. I didn't realise we had so many Daily Mail readers populating this forum. It's always the same whenever anything like this is unveiled. Get a life!
There seem to be some other colour combinations on the Olympic committee thingy website. *One* of them looked just about ok, but this cerise and yellow thing? Eeugghhh. Makes 70’s design look good. ~ www.fabulousmother.com(link is external)
The real clue comes when you ask people who are objecting to the logo to come up with their own design. What they invariably produce is something incredibly hackneyed and obvious that is also hugely boring. For a major event like the Olympics you need something challenging and different. If the only thing designers did was to rehash the safe and the predictable, we'd never make any progress. The Olympics logo needs to be different and if it offends a few people so much the better. That means it's probably doing its job. Give it time and it will grow on you.
I usually am with those who like cutting edge and abstract. My 2 objections with this are firstly the lack of clarity - I thought it was just meaningless shapes until it was pointed out to me that they were a 2012. No matter how good a logo it has to carry a message. My other objection is that as a 'style' it is very passe - graffiti style tags and the lowercase l being very '90s' in tone. jude "Cacoethes scribendi" http://www.judesworld.net(link is external)


I don't think you can blame that on the logo! Anyway, what could Arab terrorists POSSIBLY have against us British...?
Just because someone doesn't like something, they have to get a life? Vive Le Difference? I've been studying it for a while and it seems that the cube figure on the right is 'butt fucking' the figure on the left. Mmmmmmm it is beginning to grow on me.


Oh my God - and the one doing the butt fucking is... Lisa Simpson!!!! This is like making pictures out of clouds.
It's shaped like London! (I didn't get it) Nice idea but London's just shaped like a blob and so anything shaped like London just kind of looks like a blob


tbh, it doesn't bother me, it's only a logo afterall, sure they spent a large wedge on it, that bothers me, but they would have spent a large wedge on a logo that was liked by more people anyway
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