Fallen Angel.
By Gekoman
- 623 reads
Liger was falling. His white robes fluttering, and his wings hanging wounded and useless by his sides. He had listened to the Lord, done no wrong and yet he was falling. The tall, glittering towers of heaven were growing smaller and smaller as he plummeted through the cloud. He could already see the red glow of hell below him, ringed in a dark halo of choking smoke. He had spent all of his existence safely inside the walls of heaven, obeying the Lord and becoming one of the most trusted angels in the whole of the holy kingdom. Aziraphale had pushed him, sent him tumbling over the shimmering walls of heaven. He had known that that angel was not to be trusted, that his jealousy was too great. By getting rid of him, Aziraphale could extend his power in heaven and use it to aid the lord of hell. He would inform the lord of this treachery, and get Aziraphale exiled…that is, when he had sorted out the more immediate danger. Liger heard activity below him and looked down. A soul appeared in the air and stared towards the distant gate of heaven, a sparking, golden jewel in the azure sky, when suddenly a tendril of infernal fire shot up from the ground, thrashing the air. It lashed around the ethereal wrist of the ghostly soul, and tugged it, screaming, into the abyss.
Suddenly the air was thick with the wavering forms of the souls of men, streaming in from all sides, some to be pulled down to the inferno of hell, or to rise to the gates of heaven, shrouded in silver light. Liger tumbled through it all, until he saw a huge hole, like the gullet of a great beast, under him. Howling demons danced with manic delight around the edge of the gaping pit, throwing flickering whips of scarlet flame shooting upwards to snare any souls that deserved an eternity of their vile torture. Into the pit tumbled Liger, the inky darkness swallowing him, pulling him down with tendrils of unnatural night.
Heat. That was the first thing that struck him: horrific, suffocating heat. Liger opened his eyes. A tall figure was standing over him, staring down with yellow eyes that burnt with hatred. He wore a long black robe, and a pair of huge black wings sprouted from his back. A set of large, serrated fangs filled his mouth and two curling horns framed his head. A cloud of smoke and flame hovered above him like a halo of evil.
“Get up,” the figure commanded, in a harsh rasping voice. Liger obediently staggered to his feet. “The master wants to see you. He is always eager to meat new arrivals.” The creature waved a hand. “Chain him.” A pair of demons flew down on small, black leathery wings, and, before Liger could move tied his hands with chain that shimmered with dark magic. It burnt Liger’s heavenly wrists, the infernal iron writhing and biting into his flesh. He was pushed forwards, stumbling, and, with the two demons pulling him forward, he followed the dark angel through hell.
Ash covered the ground, scattered with human bones. Fire danced over almost every surface, filling the air with choking smoke. Demons scuttled through the dark corners of the nightmarish landscape and the place rang with their manic laughter and infernal delight. Crackling energy sparked over the ground, strewn with cracks filled with bubbling lava. Souls screamed in anguish, as the demons put their foul tortures to practice, and pled for mercy and an end to their eternal suffering.
At last, Liger and his horrific captors reached a colossal pair of iron doors, covered with leering gargoyles and devilish faces full of malice and hate. The doors swung open. Liger saw before him the throne room of the Devil himself.
At the far end of the cavernous chamber, a large throne stood. It was made of brass, covering a whole side of the huge room, and intricately carved with howling faces, that seemed to writhe and silently scream in pain and anger. On it sat an immense creature, with eyes glowing with evil intent. It’s skin burnt with demonic flame. Two huge wings lay folded behind the inhuman beast, and in one corrupted hand it held a red trident, gleaming with blood. A aura of corruption surrounded the apparition, outlining it in a haze of crimson hate, and on it’s tainted brow sat a golden crown inlaid with gems.
“I am Lucifer,” the beat roared, “Lord of Hell, Master of The Damned, Herald of Destruction, Prince of Despair, Father of Darkness, Angel of Hate. Who dares disturb my slumber?”
“It is I, master,” spoke the dark angel, “I bring another who seeks to join us.” He pushed Liger forward onto his knees.
“Leave us, Aziraphale.” The Lord of Hell commanded. “Aziraphale!!?” Liger staggered round to look at the dark angel again, pulling himself to his feet. “Traitor! Why would you do this!!?” Liger struggled to free himself from the chains that bound him.
“It’s no use,” cackled Aziraphale “We all are evil at heart. Hatred gives us strength. Only the foolish try to hide it away. Join us now; see sense, or you soon won’t live to see anything.” He laughed. Liger struggled harder, calling on the Lord to help him, but it was no use, Lucifer’s dark influence blocking the holy power of good. Aziraphale held out his hand imploringly, “Join us!”
“Never!” screamed Liger and, crying to the Lord to keep his soul safe, he flung himself at Lucifer.
He hit the Lord of Hell in the stomach, the infernal fire burning his body. Lucifer screeched with rage, and struck Liger in the side, spinning him away across the chamber. The Devil reared up, his wings unfolding behind him, the pure embodiment of evil, a flaming lash and sword of unearthly fire appearing in his hands, filling the huge room in a ball of smoke and fire. Aziraphale’s cries of help were smothered as his corrupted body was enveloped in the fury of the Devils wrath. Even his immortal form could not stand against it, his soul being ripped from the charred remains and doomed to an eternity of inescapable anguish. Liger dived out of the chamber just in time, the doorway becoming a wall of flaming spite. He tugged at the chain that bound his hands. It had been melted soft and came off easily, but his holy flesh was seared by the ball of fire that had engulfed the throne room of Lucifer.
Staggering to his feet, he limped out onto the tainted ground of hell and made his way through the fire and smothering smoke. He turned, as a huge shape, outlined by fire, strode through the flaming doorway, colossal wings framing his nightmarish form, roaring challenges and spitting fury. Lucifer was after him. A flock of small demons flew up to the Lord of Hell, and in his rage, he struck out with his flaming whip and the demons exploded in a cloud of blue fire. Lucifer lumbered forwards and Liger ran. He didn’t know where he was or where he was fleeing to, but he ran, the great beast of the pit charging after him, murder in his eyes. Demons fled from their leader’s wrath, those that weren’t fast enough being engulfed by the raging furnace that was Lucifer. Some tried to attack the fleeing angel, clawing and biting, belching streams of abyssal fire, burning his pure skin. His feet bleeding, heart pounding in his chest, Liger pelted through the land of misery. He glanced behind him, but his pursuer was not in sight. Liger skidded to a halt, out of breath, turned, and was knocked backwards by a blaze of heat. The immense figure of Lucifer flew down through the smoke, his almighty wing beats stirring up the corrupted earth. A jet of infernal flame and evil magic, crimson fire and dancing dark shadows, burst from Lucifer’s outstretched hand, shooting towards Liger, who lay stricken on the ground. At the last second, Liger called upon the power of the Lord, his master, and with the Devil distracted and not able to counter it, a shield of white light materialized in front of him, absorbing the fiery blast with an explosion of blinding light. The Lord of Hell recoiled from the light and Liger jumped up painfully and dashed forwards. A stone archway lay to his right, which he dived through, another burst of flame from the enraged Lucifer hitting the wall and melting the stone in a red-hot burst and a hiss of boiling rock. A spiral staircase lay before him now, the steps corroded by the centuries. Liger took them without hesitation, demons hollering behind him, and the roar of their master. At the top there was a stone walled chamber, and in the centre, guarded by a pair of demons was a vortex. Colours swirled chaotically in an iron frame. The demonic guards turned, their ugly, tusked faces leering at him. Liger leapt forward into the spinning spectrum of the vortex, the demons clawed hands slashing the air too late.
Appearing in the air, Liger dropped down onto hard earth. Above him, instead of smoke a flame, were far off clouds, and so far off that it was hard to see, was the gate of heaven, a golden glimmer in the sky far away. Around him were cackling demons, brandishing whips of abyssal fire. A soul was dragged, pleading and begging for forgiveness in to the huge, dark pit that gaped in the ground a few feet away. More souls floated through the sky above him. He knew where he was: so close to home, but maybe as close as he would ever be again.
Without warning, a burst of flame appeared in the air. Lucifer was onto him again. The closest demon exploded in a sudden inferno, his soul-snaring whip clattering onto the ground by Ligers feet. A sudden idea grabbed him and, as the Devil landed, scorching the earth beneath him, Liger snatched up the dead demon’s whip and flung it out, catching a rising soul, who screamed, expecting to be pulled down into the gaping pit, never to be free, but Liger did not pull. The soul, the image of a man in a robe, possibly a priest, continued to drift upwards and Liger, as Lucifer was about to spring, was lifted up by the soul and began to rise. With a shout of rage, Lucifer spread his wings and flew up towards him, his whip of fire lashing the air, but as he flew higher, a bolt of silver light shot down from the clouds, striking the Devil and sending him, writhing in agony, back down to his kingdom, the holy light burning his impure flesh.
Liger, now safe from the Farther of Darkness, continued to rise through the clouded sky to the golden gates and glittering towers of the house of the Lord.
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Lots of imagination and
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