The Horror Chamber
By brainbox11
- 757 reads
London Town
It was a miserable day on the streets of London as the rain was pouring down. Everyone was in their homes, all except from a lone figure, the figure turned and stared at one of the houses. They looked sadly upon the house and carried on up the street.
The girl turned facing the source of the voice. A shadow appeared on the cobbles of the street and footsteps echoed.
“I haven't seen you for years Jessica Barrett,” The voice continued.
“I can say the same for you James Thomas!” Jessica exclaimed.
Jessica and James walked toward each other, Jessie collapsed happily in to her old friends open arms. “I missed you James.” she whispered softly.
James' eyes burned with memories of Jessie and the past.
“You changed.” James accused.
“It was hard not to, lets go back to how we used to be James!” Jessie said hopefully.
“We can't Jessie, I'm sorry, too much has changed.”
Jessie pulled away and looked in to James' eyes.
Her eyes swam in tears and she shook her head.
“You call my name only to disappoint me. Who are you James to only hurt.” Jessie sobbed.
“I-I-I didn't mean to. It's hard, I'm not to used to girls anymore.”
“How, why!” Jessie demanded.
“Load of rubbish!” Jessie thought.
“This place,” James said as they began to walk again, “they took us in and shut us away from females.”
Jessie looked scared and sad. “You were always my best friend.” she said grasping his hand. “but lately I've been so alone.”
James pulled away. It all happened so quickly. Jessie was running up the street her auburn hair flying out behind her. James was chasing after her. “JESSIE!” he called.
Jessie finally found the house she was looking for. She hammered on the door frantically. “John! Open up!”
“Coming!” said a deep voice.
“Oh John, I did something terrible!”
Her brother held her close and led her inside. “You always did pick weird people Jessica. What happened?”
“I slapped James so he was on the ground and he ran after me!”
John shook his head. Silently he got up and went to the window.
“JESSIE! I'm sorry, so sorry!” A friendly, anxious voice called.
“James, I'm sorry too, I did a terrible thing.” Jessica said running to the open window.
James laughed. “I've had worse, come out, I want to show you something.”
Jessica obliged and half ran out of the room and out the front door. James was waiting. He held out his arm and asked, “Would you care to join me on a late night stroll?”
Jessie barely able to speak just nodded and took his arm. “Hugging you earlier felt like hugging a rock.” Jessie frowned.
James laughed apologetically.
As they walked they found a door in a brick wall. Jessie tugged James toward it. Carefully she pushed the door open and peered in. “We shouldn't be here.” James whispered.
Jessie screamed, she fainted and James caught her.
Then James saw a massive pile of bones, shivering he took Jessie out of the lair and back on to the street. Jessie woke and asked “What was that terrible place?”
“That was the prison I was in.” He said ashamed.
Jessie moved and touched his hand, “You aren't a bad person James Thomas,” She said the words savoring each, “now, tell me what happened.”
The bone pit
“I was outside a jewelers looking for a necklace for you, when people started looking suspicious. There was no way a thirteen year old kid could afford a necklace like that right? Wrong.”
Jessie was shocked, a necklace for her?
“Any way some idiot called the cops, so I was legging it up the road with a necklace in my pocket when the coppers caught up with me.”
“Oh James,” Jessie whispered sadly.
“So I thought talk your way out of it. I say to the cop, 'Morning Sir, nice day init!' He wrinkled his nose and said 'Ugh not another cockney.' Obviously I was proper offended and that so I run off to stop myself lambing him one.” James paused for breath.
Jessie sighed, she knew only to well about James' temper.
“But then this girl ran out of a side street and bumped in to me, a few minuets later some more cops came out of the street and cuffed her. She was kicking and screaming but they gagged her and took her away. I haven't seen her since. Bekky her name was, Bekky Cooper.”
“I know her! Long black hair, pale white face?” Jessie recalled.
“Yeah!” James said excitedly, “that's her where is she I need to see her!”
“I don't know I think she got taken to prison she was a proper thief you know, awful place that is,” Jessie replied happily.
James frowned. “I have to find her, here.” he said tossing the necklace to her, “This was always meant for you.” And then he ran off.
“Awful cold Mr. init!” Bekky Cooper was saying to the guard, “you oughta get some tea or sit by the fire warm yer bones.”
The guard spat at her.
“Alrigh' alrigh', yuk now I have spit on me.”
“Rebecca Cooper, you have a visitor.” A harsh boom echoed around the walls.
“Let me out then you bloody oaf!”
Grumbling the guard unlocked the door and put handcuffs on her to lead her to the visitor room.
“James? James Thomas?” Bekky called anxiously to the figure lurking silently in the corner of the room.
“Bekky Cooper,” James said running to her.
“Why are you here, did that Barrett girl tip you off, she said I was a thief!”
“And are you?”
“That's not the point James!”
“So you are a thief?”
“No, maybe.”
James raised an eyebrow.
“OK, OK I am but I er erm,”.
There was an awkward silence.
“I don't care what you do or what you did,” James whispered in a barely audible tone.
Bekky blushed bringing colour to her paper white cheeks.
“I missed you James.”
“Come on, Cooper back to your cell.” The guard bellowed.
“Goodbye James, see you soon”
James lifted his hand and turned his back. He heard kicking and screaming from down the hall, “Let me go you big nit!”
James smiled and walked out of the prison and in to the light.
“Where have you been James Thomas?!” Jessie screeched.
“You aint my mother Jessie, get lost!”
“JAMES!” Jessie bellowed as he slipped out of the room.
“God!” James said, “She'd yell the ears off a donkey.”
Jessie was listening to James through the key hole. “Oh really? Then maybe this would yell the ears off of him!”
A high pitched scream came through the key hole.
“ARGH! Jessie what was that for?”
Jessie smiled and flounced out the room.
James' blue eyes were fiery as he left the box room.
Bekky Cooper was looking anxiously out of the barred window. Barely blinking she stood up and began to pace around the cell. “Oy matey. Got any gin?” she called cheekily to the guard.
The guard growled in warning.
“Not for me, no no no for the mouse in here, called it Mickey I did.”
The guard flung himself at the door and growled “You and your ruddy mouse will be dead if you don't zip it little missy.”
Bekky pulled a face and said “Why am I a top security prisoner?”
“I don't know now shut up or I'll get the judge.”
Bekky gulped, she didn't like the judge so she went back a stared out the window again.
“James! Over here!” Bekky called.
James walked over, smiling.
“How's Jessica? Still 'orrible?”
James' face hardened and he nodded.
Bekky pushed her hand through the bars and stroked James' blonde hair. “I miss you even though I hardly know you.”
“I miss you too, how can you get out of this dump?”
“Oh James, don't waste your time on me, just visit when you can.”
“Answer my question.”
“You can get me out with Twenty one thousand quid.”
James' jaw dropped.
“Yeah, that's how much I er, borrowed. Do me a favour, make Jessie come here with you next time OK?”
“Why though?”
James frowned and walked away. “Wait James, I will tell you OK? Go to the visitors lounge, right?”
James nodded and went to the lounge.
“Rebecca Cooper you have a visitor.”
“You heard the man now let me go there on my own and I promise I won't escape.”
The guard nodded and pushed her toward the lounge.
“Ta matey!”
“Hi James, be quiet now nod if you understand,”
James nodded.
“Let's go OK quick and quiet.”
They ran out of the prison and down an alley. “Ah a little door, I'm looking!” Bekky said delighted.
“What the- it's a bone pit look, they're all kids from the jail, look it's Jimmy and Edward and oh no, it's Billy.” Bekky cried.
“Wait, we're in the horror chamber, anyone caught in here gets killed, Run!” James urged.
They ran all the way to Jessie's house and hammered on the door. “Jessie let me in!” James screeched.
“OK coming.”
“Why are you here Rebecca Cooper?”
“No time to explain.” Bekky said pushing her way in to the house.
“I don't like it here, what have you done to my house?” Bekky continued once she was inside.
“Your house, no this is my house.” Jessie objected.
“Shut it you two, yeah? Me and Bekky just saw a bone pit.” James said.
“Yeah it was a proper horror chamber, dead kids an' all.” Bekky added.
“Daddy said no one would ever find it never ever, he lied!” Jessie said.
“I think you have a bit of explaining to do Jessica.” James said wearily
“Yeah explaining!” Bekky said ganging up on Jessie.
“My dad is the judge and when he sentences someone to death he puts them in there.”Jessie said.
“Great now I'm gonna get tossed in there! I was a high security prisoner and if you escape you...” Bekky gulped “die”.
James put his arm around Bekky. “Jess you have to tell you're father to stop ,Bekky she can't die!”
“Well I don't think I can because he doesn't listen to me!”
“TRY BARRATT!” Bekky wailed, “Oh no they're here the guards, hide me please they can't see me!”
“My family they all died because of Spanish Influenza!” Bekky said “And now I'm the only one left!”
“You won't die Bekky we'll hide you promise now go in the cupboard under the stairs.”
The guards knocked on the door and Jessie answered it, “Oh! Hello Finchby, Derek.”
“Where is the Cooper girl?” Finchby grunted.
“She isn't here now go away from my house, perhaps she is at her brothers house or she stumbled across the horror chamber.” Jessie threatened.
Finchby and Derek ran off. A small voice made a scared noise and Bekky emerged. “Well you hid me, so thanks, but what do I do? I love London and I don't want to leave!” Bekky sobbed.
James looked at Jessie fiercely and crouched down next to Bekky. “Oh, I have to go.”Bekky wailed and she ran out on to the street.
“I have to find her! She'll be hunted down like a dog!” James said running after her.
Jessie put her hand out to stop him but it was too late he had run out of the door and on to the cobbled street.
“She isn't worth dying for.” Jessie cried, she ran to her room and sat on her bed not knowing what to do.
“Bekky!” James panted.
“James I have to go, why did you follow me, I need to get out of London, maybe I'll go to sea, yeah I'll go to sea so I can be a pirate or a sailor!”
“Stop talking nonsense!” James scolded.
Then a blonde girl came up to Bekky and hauled her up, “You stole my money and my necklace.” she accused.
“No Scarlet I didn't!”
Scarlet extended her hand and slapped Bekky hard across the face.
“And my shoes!”
Another slap.
“Oy Scarlet! I wouldn't want your cheap tat anyways!”
James jumped up and restrained Bekky to prevent her attacking back.
“Let me go James!” Bekky screeched.
He shook his head. “No, I won't let you, you'll only cause trouble.”
Scarlet laughed and walked off. When she was out of sight James let go of Bekky. “Shoot! You should have let me at her!”.
“No, I didn't want my little sister going back to the slammer.”
“Sister?” Bekky asked.
“Yes, come lets go, yeah? I'll explain everything on the way.”
“Our parents, they died of Spanish Influenza when you were a little baby.”James explained, “you were taken from me and I was quarantined. I missed you but I couldn't see you. So then I met Jess, her family looked after me but I was determined to keep my surname. Your family changed yours so I couldn't find you.”
“That's awful. Like takin' a lit'le baby and changin' 'er name!”
“Yes, so anyway I was buying a necklace for Jess when I saw you. Running away from cops, that was two years ago. I was thirteen and you were eleven!”
“So I saw a girl with ash black hair and paper white skin, she was running away from something and she ran in to me. She was taken away kicking and screaming, I felt sorry for her and she looked like she was reaching out to me.”
“That was me, James, I should go, I'm leading you in to this it's so terrible.” Bekky stood up and walked the length of the room. “My name is Rebecca Victoria Angel Thomas?”
“Yes, that is correct!”
“So I'm safe not on the run, That was Rebecca Cooper!”
“No it can't be like that, you see you look like Rebecca Cooper and on your birth certificate it says Cooper not Thomas, they changed it so you wouldn't find me!”
“Why is my hair black though, I mean yours, mums and dads were all blonde I know that much and the Coopers all had brown so where am I from!”
“Thomas family!”
“So I need to escape, even though Victoria Thomas was my mum I am classed as a Cooper, that is it!” she fumed standing up, “I am going to sea as a pirate? Or sailor I can't decide.” she grinned.
“Neither, I told you we'll make it!”
“We?” Bekky scoffed, “You wish. Stoopid fifteen year old.”
“Stoopid thirteen year old!” James smiled.
“Where is he! Where!” Jessie screamed at a policeman.
“We don't know ma'am. But we think Bekky will be there too.”
“Well find her and lock her up forever!”
“No, that's up to Judge Barrett.”
Jessie stamped her foot and yelled in temper, “She is trash!”
“Oh am I now Jessica Barrett?” Bekky said from the door frame.
“Get her!” Jessie squealed.
“No, my name is Rebecca Victoria Angel Thomas!” Bekky protested.
“Uh, it does say on the birth certificate.” the cop said stupidly.
“Let me see!” Jessica said pushing through the crowd.
“See, Barry?” Bekky taunted.
“No! But, but, NO!” Jessie said flabbergasted.
“He he he, this is not a fake by the way, see the seal?” Bekky gloated.
“Look, Thomas.” James grinned.
“ARGH!” Jessie bellowed.
Jessie began to run after Bekky. “Help James!”
“Woah there.” James said grabbing Jessie's arms behind her back.
Bekky laughed in Jessie's face and ran circles around her, laughing at her failed attempts to wriggle free.
James growled in warning making Bekky sit down and look at her toes. She wiggled her toes and smiled she stood again and pulled on her boots. The knee high suede was wearing out a little but she didn't care. Whilst everyone was looking at Jess she slipped out of the door and ran to the harbour.
“Hey! My name is Bekky.”
“Hello, who are you looking for?” a kind young man asked.
“A job.”
Then the man's friend started laughing. “You? A little girl? Anyway s'unlucky for a woman to be aboard ship.” the sailor guffawed.
“Well, when I am a rich and notorious pirate you'll be sorry.” Bekky left the two men and went to the other end of the harbour.
“Hey, my name is Bekky, I am a wanted thief and am turning to the sea.” Bekky introduced herself.
“It is unlucky to have-”
“A woman aboard ship, even a miniature one?” Bekky finished, “yes I know that!”
“Then why ask?”
“I have to leave land, join the sea get away from people who I will hurt.” Bekky said.
“Right, how are you with a sword?”
“Pass it then?”
Bekky snatched the sword and began lunging and prancing and swooping. Then at the end of her performance she bowed and smiled, “That OK? Savvy?”
The congregation clapped and the captain bowed and said “We need a woman who can do that.”
“Oh where is she! This is all your fault Jessica!” James screamed.
“It is not!” she retorted.
“So isn't! Why do you care because you only just met her, don't die for her.”
“Well, I she we at at least I have someone to die for.”
“A pirates life for me.” Bekky sang.
Behind her a dark chuckle sounded “Unlucky song to be singing in this fog!”
“This is a pirate ship you idiot!” Bekky retorted.
“Don't talk to the cap'ain like that missy!” one of the crew said.
“Leave her alone!” A boy of about fourteen yelled.
The crewman laughed. “Go back below deck Jenkins!”
“OY! DUMMY!” Bekky shouted to the crewman, “Over 'ere!” she brandished a sword and flopped it about a little.
“Oh no you don't!” the crewman bellowed.
“Quit it Jones!” Captain Carlos ordered.
Jones pulled out his sword and danced round Bekky in a menacing manor, his sword was dancing with him gracefully in a silver leotard. “Ouch!” Bekky cried, “you OAF!” she clutched her bleeding face with a cut arm.
“Jones! Away!” The captain barked.
“Hey, Bekky, my name is Pedro, I'm the ships main look out.”
“Hi Pedro!” Bekky forced a smile.
Carlos was yelling at Jones near the wheel.
“Lets get a bandage over here!” Pedro shouted, “You'll be Okay Bekky, Okay.”
“Okay, I'll be Okay?” Bekky asked weakly.
“Yes fine.”
Bekky blacked out.
“Yeah, a girl came here,” the kind man told James.
“Where did she go, my little sister, she's like foolhardy.”
“Yes I know!”
“You don't know my sister! How dare you comment!”
“She went that way.” he pointed.
“Cheers Phil.” James ran off.
“My brother, James, he wonder where me is.” Bekky rambled feverishly.
“It's alright, you're alright!”
“Pedro, Pedro.” Bekky fell asleep.
“Cap'ain! It's Bekky! She's ill I think she's...”
“Shut- look Pedro, Jones will be marooned, believe me!”
“Jones is to die by the noose.”
“No!” Bekky cried.
“I pretended to sleep. Duh!”
“You really are ill though, you're still bleeding.” Pedro gasped.
She giggled childishly, “Oh well, my brother always said I was a foolhardy stubborn annoyance but you know I think I'll go to speak to Jones.”
“No!” Pedro cried, but she was already gone.
“Hey, kid whatchoo want?”
“To taunt you, to mock and hurt you? Is that what you think NO WAY bud.”
“Oh Bekky there you are!” a happy sigh came from Pedro's lips.
“She tortured me!” Jones said grasping his neck.
“I didn't! Honestly.” Bekky pleaded.
“What's this Jones?” the captain demanded entering the room.
“She tortured me!” Jones said grasping his neck again.
“Liar! Liar! I never Jones, stop kidding around!” Bekky begged.
“I'm not kidding!” Jones croaked.
“You sound very English for a Spanish man. Cunning! Horrible con man!” Bekky accused, “Jones it is a very English sounding name for a Spanish man.”
“Oh yeah! Nice call Bekky!” Pedro applauded.
“Aye, Jones, 'tis one thing to lie to the world but to the crew, you're marooned!”
“No! Ye can't no, no, the girl tortured, lied, NO!”
“Bye, bye Jonesy.” Bekky and Pedro giggled.
They high-fived each other and ran out to deck.
“Bekky, you're amazing! You should be a cop!” Pedro cried.
“Not really, I'm on the run see. Only reason I'm here.” Bekky muttered.
“Oh, Bekky, why are you on the run?”
“Thieving, apparently, oh and my brother was in danger with me there so I had to run.”
“We'll help you, I know we will.”
“Where has the me llamo enero made berth?”
“Aye, has made to Spain, where she originated.”
“Spain?” James asked frantically, “My little sister is on that ship!”
“Naught we can do young sir.” The withered pirate said.
“I need a boat, a ship?” James begged.
“Aye, what be ye name son?”
“James Thomas, of London town.”
“Well the James Thomas, of London town,” a female voice said, “you best run home and pack ye bags, we sail at noon.”
“Aye miss?”
“Oceanna,the name be Oceanna.,”
“Bekky, your face it's bleeding still.”
“It isn't that's just you know dry.”
Pedro touched her cheek and pulled his hand away, it was wet and sticky, “OK! Maybe I am bleeding but you know I'm a pirate now so I deal with it.” Bekky laughed.
“You're not a pirate Bekky.” The captain said, “You shouldn't be here and I can nay guess why you're here but I know you want to run away, but this aint a game.”
“I know!” Bekky screamed, “But this is what I need!”
“Leave Bekky alone sir she needs us!”
Bekky leaned close to Pedro and began to sob. “Shut-” Captain started, “Stop crying there be an enemy ship nearby and we need all hands on deck.”
“Well ye came James T.” Oceanna said taking his hand and shaking it vigorously.
“Yeah I guess can we go now my little sis is missing.”
“Daddy, Oh NO!” Jessie screamed.
“He's dead ma'am.”
“No he's not silly.” Jessie was deluded.
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