Blakes seven
By alphadog1
- 3802 reads
Prologue Awakenings.
It is the eighty sixth year of the empirical calendar, and in this part of the empire all appears serene, as a distant yellow sun mothers several planets of a distant solar system in a distant corner of the galaxy. Yet, on one of these planets, Tenarith 4, a planet that has reached the dawn of its first industrial age, something begins to stir…
It is late evening and a storm is blowing in from the western sea upon the country known as Freya. Freya has been broken up into several counties for easier Empirical control; and it is in one of these counties, the county of Greater Wessex, where a large farmhouse rests; and upon the ground floor in the far bedroom of that farmhouse, an old man lies restless upon a four poster bed.
The bedroom is large and oak panelled; it is also well lit by huge candles that scatter the room; it also has three open windows in the gothic style. One in front of the bed and two on the left hand wall, they have white linen drapes that are being blown in by the steadily increasing wind.
To the left of the bed is a bedside cabinet, and upon the cabinet rests a half full glass jug of water; next to the jug is an empty tumbler. To the right of the bed and in the corner of the room, there is a closed door; there are candles all around the room, lighting up the darkness, but despite that, the old man still looks restless, tired and drained in his sweat stained, white linen nightshirt; as the night continues lightning flashes outside stirring the old man from his restless sleep. He suddenly lets out a scream and sits up in bed; and as he sits up, He looks out of the open window directly in front of him.
There is another flash of lightning and in that flash the old man sees someone standing outside his room staring in at him.
“Who’s there?” The old man calls out. “I know your there… I can just see you… come on! Show yourself!”
There is another flash, and this time the old man sees clearly the man standing outside. He is tall, and though he is almost in shadow, the old man can see that the stranger has a scar down the right hand side of his face. There is another flash of lightening, and this time, the old man sees the strangers face clearly, his eyes are cold and vengeful, and his lips are drawn pencil thin.
“Oh! NO!” The old man screams. “It cannot be… it simply cannot be!”
There is darkness once more as the lightening flash dissipates, then there is a huge gust of wind and half the candles around the room are blown out. The old man screams once more, as he hears steps coming from outside, slowly start to enter the room. Suddenly, the door to the room opens and a young boy, wearing brown linen pyjamas with large brown buttons down the front enters.
“Are you alright Grandfather, I heard a scream.”
“Yes… Yes… I’m fine now… I thought I saw… but it can’t be… it simply can’t be. I am just tired, that’s all…”
“Grandfather… Are you thirsty do you need something?”
The old man smiles gently, as he shuffles himself back on the bed, and glances down at his chronograph.
“…Oh… well… just a little sip of water, but, my look at the time. But look at the hour… why are you up you young pup? You know what would happen if your mother caught you…”
But the boy does not seem to listen, he climbs upon the bed and after he clambers around the old man, he pours out a glassful of water.
“I couldn’t sleep… it’s the storm.”
As the young boy passes the glass to the old man, there is another flash of lightening, this time the old man sees that there is no one standing in the shadow, no familiar face, threatening him, but still, he looks tired and haunted.
The young boy looks up at the old man as they sit together in the bed, the candlelight flickers across their faces, as he speaks.
“Grandfather… Tell me again… please…” he says excitedly. There is a look of longing in the boys face, and the old man grins, and laughs as he cuddles the young boy.
“Ha, ha, ha, so… you want to hear the story again do you? You know I shouldn’t… your mother told me, that on no certain terms must I fill your head with nightmares.”
But the boy looks adamantly at the old man.
“But… I want to… Grandfather… please… I want to hear about how you helped almost destroy the empire… I want to hear about… Blake…”
There is slight knock upon the door and this time a younger woman wearing a long sleeve beige and white dress, and wearing her hair up in a scarf enters. She sees the young boy and the old man on the bed together and she looks cross.
“Now… what are you doing up my boy?” she asks. “You know that you have school in the morning, and if you don’t get a good night’s sleep there’ll be hell to pay.”
“But Mum…I couldn’t sleep.” The boy protests.
“Oh… let him have an hour… it won’t hurt him… I’ll even make sure that he’s in bed…”
A flash of anger appears upon her cheeks, though she loves the old man, her father, she does not like it, if he interferes in how she disciplines her son. But then she smiles gently.
“very well… one hour… no-more or less…” She turns to leave the room after she has closed the windows.
“Father…” she says, as she is about to leave.
The old man turns to face her. His eyes are large and mild.
“Just please don’t fill his head with those stories of yours… it could get him into trouble at school.”
The old man looks at her, but does not acknowledge what she has said, he just nods, and gives her a gentle wink. Then he turns to the young boy.
“You hear that… we have an hour…”
The Yong boy smiles and starts to cuddle his grandfather, as the woman leaves the room.
There is another flash of lightening, this time the old man sees a shadow once more, only this time, he grins.
As the door closes, the old man looks towards the young boy once more. “So…” He begins. “…Ha, ha, ha… You want to hear the story of Roj Blake… of the starship Liberator and how we nearly defeated the powerful Terran Empire? Well…where to begin…”
The old man looks down towards, the young boy, and as he does he can see the look in the little boys eyes…
“Oh… Grandfather… have you forgotten already…” he says with exasperation, “…on Earth…
“Yes earth…” says the old man distantly, already he is lost in thought.
I wonder… he starts to think; I wonder what makes a man a hero what makes him a legend in his own time? Is it need… desperate need… is it circumstances… or is it something else? Something outside of us, something that we cannot touch, or feel or sense… but is still there… controlling our destiny, deftly pulling at our strings, making hero’s of us all? I witnessed it all, Roj Blake… the Liberator… the death of the Terran Federation and the birth of the hated Terran Empire… I saw Blake… I saw him die… and I saw him live again… I was there, for I am Kerr Avon… Traitor… hero… rebel… and friend.
2. Chapter 1
Chapter one: The Darkness rises.
It's been several years since I've been here, so I do not know what to expect; nervously I guide my skimmer from the high orbit star cruiser to then begin to descend into the upper atmosphere, along the registered flight routs towards the crystal domed city.
the dirty brown broth that has become the atmosphere of earth is hard to see through, yet despite the increasing pollution I can make out the huge shimmering crystal dome that marks the boundary of New London… capital of the Terran Federation... mother of the new frontier and centre for genetic research for the aligned worlds. I look down upon it from the long window narrow of my skimmer with a growing sense of awe and trepidation.
It rests impressive; in the shimmering light from within I can make out huge Maglev tracks twist turn and curl about the towering crystalline buildings like gentle flowing waves; while, about the crystal dome, huge metal structures, that can barely be made out, pierce the gloom. It is the year twenty two sixty two, and Terra is over populated; but while half the population live in luxury, the other half are forced to live in scattered shanty towns, though out the system begging for food or for enough money for a new home upon a distant colony.
A part of the dome slowly curls open to reveal a landing bay for the convoy of ships that my Skimmer is just a part of. The parking bay towers fifty feet high before me; With little effort, I pull my skimmer to the left, press hover, then wait for two things, a voice from holding bay command and a space to appear; I do not have to wait long.
“Identify.” A Metallic sounding voice over the intercom asks.
“Kerr… Avon… four two dash seven three…”I casually, flick the skimmer to autopilot. “… Waiting for clearance.”
There is a short pause, which makes me nervous before the reply comes, and when the reply does come, I can hear that the voice is not automated; an official, male, slightly stern, voice replies; desperately I try to calm down, hoping that my voice is not being put through an analysis machine.
“Hello Kerr… Avon… four two dash seven three, you are cleared through voice print ident… state your reason for coming to New London, pleasure or business…”
“Strictly business, I can assure you. I have a meeting with Chamber of commerce Minister Winston Drax at thirteen hundred hours.”
There is another long pause before the official sounding male voice replied.
“Yes… Kerr Avon… I can confirm that you have a meeting with Minister Drax scheduled in his diary for thirteen hundred hours. I sincerely hope that you have a pleasant stay in New London. Please wait while we bring your skimmer into central parking… you have been allocated position one seven three.”
“Thank you very much indeed.” I reply, feeling my nerves begin to steady once more.
I had a reason to be nervous, things in the Federation were turning to crud; there were signs of it everywhere. New dark voiced guards wearing full black masks and carrying heavy weapons, standing outside government offices. Troop ships being sent to the outer colonies, some strange messages coming from the Titan colony, were garbled... it all seemed confusing and Drax, was the key to it all.
Both Drax and I had been friends since school, but where he was now a man of the government, my life had taken a far darker turn. Softwear was my thing… of the illegal kind. I could open bank accounts, retrieve data, and hack my way into any building. I was also a member “The eye of God.” The eye of God was an underworld organization dedicated to the freedom of information; something that on Terra was slowly becoming eroded.
For my part it all began inconsequentially enough. I received an invitation to a party that Drax was hosting at his out of town residence. A huge and ancient palace of a building that hovered at fifteen hundred feet; from the surface of Venus, so, having nothing better to do, I decided to attend. After all, I recall that I vainly thought I might even find some new way of making enough money to finally get me out of the Sol system, I thought to myself. Sadly, for the most part, the party was pretty dull; even the woman were boring; however, as the evening was coming to a close, and I went to Drax to tell him thanks, but no thanks. Then he pulled me to one side.
“Avon old friend…how have you been? It’s been years… I’ve been meaning to talk with you all night.” He smiled as he put his arm round my shoulder. I was taken aback by his behaviour. Drax never did this. He looked different too, his close cropped hair black hair seemed a little more grey, the skin upon his rounded cheeks a little more sunken, his wide set ice blue eyes, strained.
I smiled, “Yeah, what’s it been now..? At least four years… It’s good to see that you’re looking so well... Drax.”
At that he looked down then he looked up once more, as he guided me away from the crowded main hall, and into one of the side rooms.
Then, much to my amazement, he started to look about him, as if he could not trust his surroundings. I began to get concerned that he was taking something. After about a minutes searching he spoke to me in hushed tones, barely above a whisper. “Avon…something’s wrong with the Federation…”
“You’re telling me that?” I started. “I haven’t I been saying the same thing to you for the last five years?”
“…No! Avon just listen to me!” He hisses angrily. “One month ago… The Federation sent an exploratory expedition to Titan… some of the team… they became infected…”
“Infected…what with? What are you saying?”
“I can’t say… Not right now… But I have a data stream of the event… Avon… you have to hand it to the eye of God…”
“What are you talking about?” I asked defensively.
“… Look Avon… The Federation has known about you and your little band of free information activists for years now. The reason you haven’t faced prosecution and imprisonment is simply because there was a politician –very highly placed in the federation- that believed in the Eye of God… Now…” Drax looked about us both nervously, as he spoke; it was as if he was afraid of his own shadow “…things have changed… The data stream that I possess needs to get to the eye, and I know that I can trust you to do it; but… it means you coming to New London…”
“No chance!” I said aggressively. “I’ll be arrested the moment I walk across the street. The first advert I pass will register me!”
“…I can guarantee your safety… I can get you by the guards, but you must enter through the northern gate…Avon… Please… for old time’s sake.”
I looked at Drax, and heard the pleading in his voice neither was going to move me till he said that... Dammit, why did he have to say that.
When we were growing up, on the city streets of New London, I was nearly hit by a hover car. Drax, pulled me out of the way, just in time, I felt that I’d owed him one ever since. He had not brought the incident up again… till now… which meant two things, one he was serious, and two, this was scary.
“Ok… but not this week, or next week either, I have to make my contacts…
At that he smiled, and shook my hand.
I had parked the skimmer an hour ago, and now was walking through one of the busy main thorough-fairs of the city; it was terrible; A crowded mass of blank faced people bustling about while the holo-walls, all shiny and bright, engaged whoever was looking up at the time. And despite keeping my eyes almost glued to the ground, the occasional glance up caused an advert to take a retinal scan, making me quake in my boots…
“…Would you like a cool glass of Guinness Avon Kerr…” said one
“…Fancy a trip to Mars, Avon Kerr…” said another.
“…Avon Kerr Have you registered your skimmer tax..?”
It was maddening, and terrifying at the same time. It was then that I saw Drax. I couldn’t believe it was the same man; he wore the same suit I saw him in two weeks ago, yet, now it looked street worn and dishevelled. He had about a week’s growth of beard too, everything about him looked wrong. I make my way towards him, and almost meet him, but as I get close, I see his left hand, his thumb and index finger are crossed, I knew what that meant… trouble. Instantly I darted out of the way, as he barged past me.
Then, from behind, I hear a loud humming throbbing sound. Suddenly the people around me move out of the way as I look up and see a huge Federation police cruiser begin to descend. I had not been this close to a Fed-cop wagon in five years; and even now despite what it represented, I was still awe struck, as its large heavy engines either side of its semi circular form descended until it was close to the ground. I sank into the crowd as the door on the front of the craft curled open. I then look back towards where I saw Drax, and could just make him out running, shouting, screaming, as he desperately began pushing his way through the mass of people in front of him.
Helplessly, I look back to the craft, to see five black guards, their faces hidden by black masks, jump down, lift their laser weapons and begin to walk with slow determination towards Drax.
Then I saw Drax pull something from his jacket pocket. Shock filled me, as I could see that it was a laser pistol. I wanted to run to him, to protect him, but, fear filled me; as Drax suddenly began to fire.
One of the Black uniformed guards are vaporized instantly, but the other four began to circle him.
A cold dead voice spoke. “Winston Drax… you are surrounded… give up your firearm and put your hands upon your head.”
But Winston did not. He fired at another guard, this time winging him. A dark fluid, that did not look like blood began to ooze from the wound; but still the four of them came on.
“Winston Drax, consider your actions…” The cold dead voice continued. “… You are putting innocent people in danger, if you continue with this action we will be forced to terminate you.”
“I’ll take as many as I can with me!” Winston screamed, his eyes wide, and on stalks, as he began to fire on people around him.
I couldn’t believe that it was the man I knew as a child. There was no way Winston would have even hurt a fly, let alone killed someone; and now… I had seen him just vaporize a young couple in front of him.
The four guards began to move in closer as the crowd began to flee in all directions.
“Do you think I care about what happens to me after all I’ve seen?” He shouted. “Shall I tell them about what being going on? About what you have done to…” But the rest of his words were lost, as two of the black guards fire their weapons at Winston simultaneously. He then begins to shake with violent convulsion, I see blood start to pour from his eyes. Then he falls to the floor and is motionless. I look up as the transporter hovers above the grouping as the four guards encircle their prey. Then, there is a sudden flash of light as they are beamed aboard. I stare in numb shock as the jets either side of the transport engage and the ships lifts up and disappear from view.
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Blakes THERE was
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I thought it was an original
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As a play it's fine!
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I remember that program, I
"I will make sense with a few reads \^^/ "
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Stop being dramatic, the
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Eeek! Don't get into trouble
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