Finding real-magic
By Kahdai
- 1058 reads
- Well I could tell you how it happened, blunt and realistic, yet this is a love story & one of my otherworld experiences, so.
-I waited for a long time, in a castle-prison, I was living in luxury, yet also the prisoner, an evil wizard watched over me, allday, everyday, even when I was allowed to venture out into the woods, I knew he was watching. I felt I would never escape,
- I sometimes thought,
if I let myself fall
backwards from the tower,
I would be free, yet
something made me hold on.
-It was every good thing I had seen in the world, the true and good real-magic of the plants and creatures of the woods, it was the life I had before, before the magician turned evil, before his power of bad-magic poisoned his soul, before he made me a prisoner
- & before I lost faith, thats what made me hold on, put up with the mindcontrol, fear & torture for whats worse than someone being in your mind I used to think, now what could be better, you see there is a happy ending I was rescued, freed by an angel who I fell in love with and would love them to see in my mind how much I love them they know me & love me better than myself.
- You see I was not always alone, I made the most of it when there were visitors, who the wizard pretended he was nice to, three princes, a little princess, a mystic woman(, who I never quite trusted until she gave me six lucky charms, saying she knew I would need them) & the king of the land, he lived not far away. One night the king came to visit, I am fond of him, he makes me laugh, I used to hang out with him & sometimes he'd ask me to take care of his favourite dog-freind when he went away, this gave me chance to go to the palace & get away from the wizard, this dog became one of my closest friends. One day the king invited me go to his handfasting in the palace. I was determined, I accepted infront of the wizard with most enthusiasm, he would have to let me go! I got dressed up smart & packed my six lucky charms the mystic woman gave me. I had a good feeling about this.
- I arrived early about midday, the palace was still quite empty of guests, yet I saw the little princess & a beautiful angel with orange hair, a lucky colour to me, I started talking to the little princess & asked her who the angel was, she suddenly pulled me over to introduce us. I expected I would be shy, yet somehow I wasnt, I started talking like we were already close, they was a good freind to the king too & as the evening went on we walked & talked & sat together for the big meal, there was a whole roast pig & the angel gave me their peice of chocolate cake! I noticed the wizard lurking around the hall, talking to the king, showing off fire-tricks, I ignored him. I was with the angel for tonight & never wanted it to end. The king noticed & made a cheeky comment to me, I think I blushed, I realized, I must be in love.
- As the sky started getting lighter again, people started to get tired and leave, I was dreading this, I hugged the king and his family goodbye & the little princess, if I had hugged the angel I thought, I wouldnt wanto let go, I later wrote this to them, before our first embrace, I was in that prison-castle for weeks, thinking about them. One day they visited at the prison, I wonder if they noticed how I tried to be close & talk like the night at the palace. If so, didnt let me know, Then one of the princes took me & the wizard to the angels place. I made a moment alone, they gave me a charm. I hid it well, when we got back I made an excuse infront of the prince & locked myself in the tower, late that night I used my new angel charm, it was my seventh, and the charms from the mystic woman to make me two, seven-feathered wings, wrapped my tones on the cold, stone ledge, closed my eyes gently, took a slow, calm yet excited breath & let myself fall, backwards from the tower window.
- As I fell I felt rushing wind,
I felt panic yet also hope, relief,
when I saw the angel, joy & faith
& when I flew into their arms,
to be held in close, I felt love.
I never could have escaped without my family & freinds around me.
'Ah cahnoh forget,
refuse to regret,
hah suhou ahmetchu &,
mek ehveride,
worth all'oh thepain'thatahgone throo-ough!'
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