Funfair Horror
By gabbyslater
- 3082 reads
I’ll always remember that day, even now I can still hear his evil laughs. I was only seven back then with golden curly hair tied back in cute pigtails and big brown eyes.
I was really excited as me and my family were going to the funfair. But the next morning I woke up from a dreadful dream to find it was drizzling with rain. We set off anyway and when we arrived I could smell sizzling bacon and hear the chatter of eager children. We started to explore.
After a while we decided to go home. As we strolled slowly around the big stripy circus tent, there in the corner of the field was a small tattered tent all dirty and disgusting. By the tent was a scraggy cat with one ear staring at me with its piercing green eyes. I could smell the decaying skull that was hanging from the doorway, it seemed to be watching me too. By the side of the tent there was a dingy sign covered in cobwebs. It read Mystical Meg’s Fortune Telling! “Interesting” I mumbled. Something seemed to be drawing me towards the door. “You don’t believe in all that rubbish do you?” smirked my Dad. But I couldn’t stop myself from looking at the door longingly. “Go in if you want to” whispered Mum gently. So I squelched towards the door, not really sure if I wanted to go in.
All I could see was darkness, it was like I had just entered a cave, and it was small, cold and cramped. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I saw a wrinkly woman sitting at the table, she looked about one hundred years old and she had big green glassy eyes. She was wearing an ancient moth-eaten cloak and had hideous tangled grey hair. I guessed this must be Meg. In front of her was a misty glass ball that seemed to sparkle and shimmer.
"Hello” she squeaked “please sit down”.
I sat down at the table on the old rusty chair. “So you would like me to read your fortune then” she sneered as if she didn’t even believe in fortune telling. “Yes please” I whispered feeling frightened of the frail old women. She placed her hands over the glass ball and began muttering to herself. “Oh” she gasped “you are in grave danger my child, your worst nightmare has come to KILL YOU” she cried. Scared stiff I scurried up and dashed out of the tent to mum and dad, only when I got out they were gone!
I knew my mum’s favourite ride is the big wheel, so I sprinted hurriedly to it calling furiously. As I was gazing up at the colourful carriages someone asked me “want a ride”. I clumsily stumbled around to find the man running the ride smiling at me.
I was about to start explaining when I was pushed in to the carriage. Up and up I went. Suddenly a chill ran down spine, the wind seemed to pick up and it whipped through my hair. I could feel someone or something watching me. I span round and round starting to feel dizzy and then I heard the laughs, the laughs I will never forget, the horrid cackling laughs. When I finally reached the bottom I’d forgotten about finding mum and dad, I felt so unsafe all I could think about was getting inside somewhere. I ran to the nearest ride which happened to be the helter-skelter and flew up the stairs.
As I sat on the mat at the top, I glanced down and there at the bottom I saw him. A clown with a white face and big red lips that were smiling an evil smile. As soon as he saw me his smile slowly turned into a laugh, he laughed and laughed and laughed. In his hand he held a knife dripping with scarlet blood and I knew that knife would kill me if I went down this slide.
I tried to scramble up and get away but it was to late the man at the top of the ride gave me a push and I went plummeting downwards. Rain splattered against my face and tears of fear streamed down my cheeks, I could taste sick in my mouth. Then time seemed to slow down, I saw
the flash of his knife as he it swung towards me. I flailed about blindly and tried to grab on to the side, I leaned a little too far and toppled over. I screamed.
The next thing I knew was people were lifting me onto a stretcher. My mum was crying by my side with my dad telling her everything was going to be okay. A doctor rushed up and told us I had broken my leg as I fell off the slide and would have to be taken to hospital. As I was being taken to the ambulance I saw Meg, the old women who told my fortune and she had actually been right. When we passed her she came closer and hissed “you were lucky this time, my magic was weak but it is getting stronger everyday, so next time you won’t survive” and with that she was gone.
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Hi Gabbyslater, This is a
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