Writer's Block and Inspiration

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Writer's Block and Inspiration

Some people are lucky and so full of ideas that not having enough hours in the day is their biggest problem when it comes to writing. Others, like myself, sometimes want to write but don't know what to write about. I believe this mythical condition is known in some circles as writer's block, and in other circles as lazybastarditis.

Thinking of this got me looking at what I've written so far and wondering where the inspiration for each story came from. I was more than surprised at some of the results and wondered if others maybe stumbled across inspiration for some of their works.

For example, my latest ramble was inspired by Clive's forum topic about not being qualified to comment on works, and how others use the forum to market their work and plead for comments.

So, does anyone out there want to share any strange examples of how they were inspired to write a specific piece?

Hi oldpesky, probably the weird story I ever wrote was The Chosen Ones, it came to me by closing my eyes and imagining I opened a door into a dark room, there was another door at the end of the room, although I couldn't see it, I knew it was there. I just had to imagine what life would be like behind the door, when I opened it, In my imagination I found myself in a great forest, hence the story came to life. I suppose you could call it self hypnosis. That was over two years ago, I've never tried it since, but I suppose having an imagination helps.


I have never experienced writers block. Quite often, when in bed, an idea comes to me which I jot down before I forget it. When I write a novel, I have a list of characters and the basic plot, and usually the story manifests as I progress. Inspired? I just love to write and sometimes do for seven or eight hours per day. Writing is my inspiration, and you are correct, Oldpesky, their aren't enough hours in the day.


Like hulsey, I usually write as a go with just a large idea set before me. I refine the idea when I write the whole book a second time, after I've seen where I went with it. If I'm not sure what to write at any particular point, then I take a walk and think it over for a while. my latest book started with a dream but expanded after I saw a clever Japanese anime show. the first book I wrote was writing out a character for an aborted child that we never got to have. I figured he deserved a story to be told about him since he didn't get to live.

Nicholas Schoonbeck

I will take an idea that occurs to me during the day and which stands out from all the fools gold I pan. Just taking about the germ of an idea in the car with my wife or letting a story germinate can work but most of all you can't force it. If you allow yourself to be open to inspiration and write no matter what the idea is then the flow will occur. Anyway Pesky you write really well so I don't think you have any need to worry


I'm going through an ideas lull at the moment too. If I'm short of ideas I often borrow a story title off the other terrence oblong, that usually works, with the addded bonus that it annoys him as well


I am very dull OP- I don't have any strange inspiration sources only (my) life and imagination and then reading other poet's work. I get a lot of inspiration from reading other people's stuff- especially here on Abc. I rather prefer contemporary poetry and I just love reading stories on Abctales including your Scottish pastiches! Oh music and lyrics inspire me too.
My inspiration comes from random sources - the news, conversations with friends, etc. My problem at the moment is that I have lots of ideas which I've written down and really liked, but now looking at them again they just all seem utter rubbish. Not sure how that happened. It's annoying though.
I've had writer's block and there's a lot more to it than not knowing what to write about - but I won't go into that now. All I'll say is this: Get yer backside out of bed in the morning before anyone else is up and before you do anything put pen to paper for fifteen minutes without stopping. Write the first thing that comes into your head. Don't try and control it just write what comes. To begin with you'll just end up with rubbish like this: Arse, biscuit umbrellas can't dance without makeup and my dad was a right dick but i like blue... Really, just write whatever comes. let go of the safety net and just write. Eventually something will drop into place and amongst all the rubbish you'll write there will be a diamond. In my case it was: dogs walk need to be baked in beans beans like bones. Ha ha ha let my click click bones tumble one by one... And from that last phrase I found something to write. It's nothing new. It's called free writing. Beware though, it can take you to places you might not like.


Who's a popular old boy then? Inspiration is a tricky one. You, inadvertently, inspire me, because I want to be as funny as you. But can't ever ne of course. But I try. Once I used the IP and it actually worked. I do come up with quite a few random ideas which don't work once I've written them. For these ideas, please send a £100 cheque and an SAE and they're yours. ABC OCD was inspired by my own neurosis whenever I posted, and when I compared symptoms with someone else on the site - she had them too. The rest, of course is history. I won't mention my poems because then I have to reach for the valium. Fatboy inspired me the other day to get cracking on ABC OCD3, as he reminded me of some new symptoms (mine, not his). Then theres always flowers and trees and love...sorry are you in a coma?


Writer's Blocks very intensely depressing for me, like getting a migraine headache and I feel under so much pressure to write something; anything and as a result I often end up putting stuff on ABCtales that I feel embarassed about and sometimes I might have something on ABCtales for only about an hour before I delete it again. I have a terrible fear of having terminal Writer's Block and never being able to write again and quite often when I'm only submitting poems and no stories, I think, 'I should be submitting stories but I'm all out of ideas'. JoHn - "Ex amore victoria". ("From love comes victory".)
Lots of great answers here. It seems we are a mixed bunch when it comes to writer's block and our ways of dealing with it. I hope the different sources of inspiration listed may help others discover new ways of getting writing when their muse appears to be taking a break. One of the more popular ideas to get motivated and inspired is by reading other works here on ABC. A number of my pieces have been inspired by the work of others and encouraged me to try something different. Trying something different has enabled me to grow in confidence and, 'hopefully' helped me become a 'slightly' better writer. (Note to self and anyone listening - don't let too many adverbs creep into your work.) Now, heading off topic somewhat, but for the good of our long-term health, one must remember that writing on ABC has its downsides. I refer of course to ABC OCD. I'm no expert on the subject but I see OTT has just posted her latest research and encourage all to check it out and take remedial action before it's too late. Have a nice day, and stay 'fairly' healthy. (Another bloody adverb sneaking in there.)
I once nearly had a head on collision because I was looking desperately for something to write on after a poem jumped in my head, and then tried to continue driving with the envelope balanced on the steering wheel writing as more of the poem came to me. This is because I am a lazy fuckwit. I whinge about having no inspiration and not writing anymore and no time, but I think if it bothered me enough i'd be pro-active - I like Leander's idea but the idea of not having the maximum amount of time in bed in the morning fills me with a sort of horror it's difficult to describe.


Ah, fatboy, now that's the sort of strange tale I like to hear. Oh how I'd love to have seen the insurance claim form. Obviously, I would've hoped no-one was seriously injured, honest. And now, for the interests of protecting ABC from being sued, remember kids, do not try this at home, fatboy is a trained stunt poet.
Thanks for the free ad OP. It is sorely needed. My writer's block is often down to laziness too. It's either all or nothing with me. I either lie on my bed, chewing nicotine gum and worrying that I will never get out of bed and write ever again. Or I will sweat blood for about three days an nights, with a few hours of sleep here and there. FB - loved your mad story. I too am a lazy fuckwit. What an excellent word. I must start using that - possibly in my writing if I can get off my fat behind.


I feel very lucky. Never had writers block, in fact quite the opposite. I seem to write all the time about all kinds of shit! Everyday something will happen and I find myself saying " must write about that" My writings not all that good, I know that, but just can't seem to stop putting pen to paper. Thank god for ABC. The other night I couldn't sleep ( too much coffee and alcohol, story of my life!). Because I couldn't sleep I started thinking that I must write about the fact I couldn't sleep. This then led me to be even more awake thinking about what I would write and how I would write it. Just when I was going to get up and start writing, I fell asleep. Hence my poem "sleeps revenge". I have this theory that the more I write the better I will get. But on the other hand...........maybe not!


Hey jolono, I can relate to that kind of night most nights. I keep checking ebay and amazon to see if there's a machine in the market yet that can scribble down my rough drafts while I teeter on the verge of sleep. Most of my spur of the moment stories are born when I'm having one of my legendary afternoon power naps on the couch. When I awake I can still remember what the story was about, most of the time. I'm not sure about writing getting better the more we do it. When at school I had to write out 500 times 'I must improve my handwriting' it actually got worse as the day went on. On a less flippant note, yes it is generally true, the more you practise anything the better you get, apart from...ready to make a run for it...women drivers......aaargh!!!!....and I'm now off quicker than Usain Bolt in the chicken McNugget queue
I very much like the sound of being a stunt poet. My other half would say theres a upid c missing from that description.


If I've been in a rut creatively (and otherwise) Half Man Half Biscuit have usually gotten me out of it. Now they say that shakespeare was a good writer, but did shakespeare write 'fuckin' 'ell it's fred titmus'? Nuff said, respect due.


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