The Christmas Mansion Mystery ( Part Seven )
By skinner_jennifer
- 1444 reads
Madam Lilly returned to the house, she was quietly calm as she paid
the taxi driver.
The brothel had become a safe haven, for girls that wished to come
off the streets, the women who came here, knew they could trust
Madam Lilly, or so they thought.
As Lilly opened the front door, then shutting it behind her, she walked
down the dimly lit corridor. Penny one of the girls, came out of her
room. “Ah! So you're back, I have fifteen minutes till my next client,
would you like me to keep you company?”
Lilly thought Penny was one of her prettiest girls, she had a good
figure, with long flowing raven hair, that had a natural curl to it, all
the men kept asking for her.
But just now Lilly needed to be alone with her thoughts. “No Penny, you go back and get ready for your next customer, I have a lot on my mind.”
Penny pouted at being brushed off, but turned and went back to her
Lilly walked into her office at the end of the corridor. Taking off her
shoes, she sat at her desk and pondered the day, now Andrew was
dead, the money from the diamonds would be all hers. But all she
could do now, was wait for her son Johnny to return, or at least phone.
Lilly thought about how her life would change, once she had the money. Where Andrew had got the diamonds from, she did not know
and quite honestly she didn't want to know.
She pictured herself living in a Chateau, somewhere in the South of
France, a million miles away from where she was now.
It wasn't that she hated her job, it was just she wanted a better future
for herself and her son.
Mean while back at the Golden Horse Hotel, a white Hillman Imp
was parked up in the car park, with four guys arguing.
“Hey Johnny! Is this guy coming out or not? we've been here ages.”
“I don't know mate, but Lilly said we have to get those diamonds, so
just shut up with the complaining.”
“Well I need to take a piss, so I'm getting out,” said one of the guys
in the back of the car.
“No you ain't!” said Johnny, “if he comes out, he'll see you, then
we're done for.”
Just at that moment, the guy they were waiting for came out of the
door. “There he is!” said Johnny, “get down quick, or he'll see us.” They dipped their heads quickly, as the man started to walk to his
“This is it,” said Johnny whispering. In his hand he held a brick, he
quietly stepped out of the car. Creeping up very carefully, the guy
was just about to open the car door, when Wham! Johnny got him
right across the head.
The guy fell to the floor, quickly Johnny fumbled through his pockets,
found the box with the diamonds in and ran back to the car.
“Quick...quick! We need to scarper.” Jumping in the car, they set off
at a speed, tyres screeching, as they headed off down the road.
Now it just so happened that Bernard and Marjorie an old couple,
were out on their nightly dog walk, they were just coming up to
the Golden Horse Hotel, when the white Hillman Imp sped away.
“What's all the rush?” exclaimed Bernard.
“Don't know,” said Marjorie, “but they were obviously in a rush to
get somewhere. They started to walk towards the car park, when
they saw the body lying on the ground. “Quick Bernard you go and
see to him, I'll go and phone for an ambulance.”
Marjorie picked up her terrier dog and rushed inside. Bernard went
as fast as he could over to the body, there was blood covering the
back of his head. Bernard tried to wake him, but with no avail, he
was out cold.
Just then some of the staff came out to see what was going on.
“Should we get him inside out of the cold?” said a woman shivering.
“! We shouldn't touch him, It's best we wait for the ambulance
to arrive. Can someone get a blanket? he's so cold.”
The woman turned and ran back into the Hotel, to find something to
wrap around him. As she came out with a blanket, they heard sirens
approaching. “That was quick!” exclaimed Bernard.
The ambulance pulled into the car park. “So what's happened here
then?” enquired the driver getting out.
Bernard stepped in straight away. “It looks like he's been hit over the
head with this.” Bernard picked up the brick that was near the body.
“Well have the police been contacted, they should be here?”
“No we thought they would come automatically,” said Marjorie.
“Hang on, I'll let them know.” the driver spoke on his radio, then
turned back to Bernard. “We have to get this man back to the hospital
immediately, so if you can give the police any information, that would be helpful.
The other ambulance men, were busy lifting the man onto a stretcher and into the ambulance, where they had oxygen at the ready.
Bernard found the man's keys and passed them to the driver. “We'll
do all we can to help,” he said putting his arm around Marjorie.
As the ambulance drove off, sirens going...lights flashing, Marjorie
wondered what they had let themselves in for.
To be continued ….......
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Hi Jen, still going well and
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Indeed what had Marjorie and
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