Every Picture Tells a Story
By Silver Spun Sand
Sat, 10 Dec 2011
- 1827 reads
He sits and studies
the clientele – bums
a cigarette from the barman.
Two men down their pints –
finish a game of darts.
A moth – orange and brown
studies him, studying them,
and also the light,
which drew each to this place.
A different bar –
a different evening;
the same moth – mesmerised
by a candle flame.
He sits
slumped in his chair
since yet another
one too many.
The candle weeps wax;
flickers, so dies.
Fancies himself an artist;
a piss-artist more like.
He’d made an art
of the unmade bed
long before Tracey Emin.
At chucking out time
he dons his leathers...
stumbles to his bike
and the moth, and he,
fly free...in starry skies.
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This is absolutely a stellar
This is absolutely a stellar poem.
Virginia Woolf once said that moths and butterflies are lower forms of angels.
When I go to bars, I get a sense that many of these men are fallen angels.
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Nice one Sand Lady. Steve
Nice one Sand Lady.
Steve reply to you has captured the scene in a nut shell "...many of these men are fallen angels..."
Phew, I'm glad I go to a different bar?
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Silver, another bit of stuff
Silver, another bit of stuff that focuces my attention for the right reasons.
"the light which drew each to this place"
....is a lovely line of poetry when set in context with the rest. The step change between the first two stanzas and the rest does not jar in the slightest, simply fluid. The continuity of the candle image and the morphism between the moth and the man elevate the whole thing. If I could make one (tiny) observation I would delete the repetition of "starry" in the last two lines.
I think it's really good, and I have read it several times so I think that that says it all.
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Lovely wistful piece with a
Permalink Submitted by hilary west on
Lovely wistful piece with a good ending!
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Hi Tina, I love the finer
Permalink Submitted by skinner_jennifer on
Hi Tina,
I love the finer detail in this poem. The idea that
the moth is watching the biker, who is watching the
clientele. Then he dons his leathers and they fly
free in starry skies.
I could picture the scene so well. Really liked
this one.
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new Silver-Spun-Sand A
Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
new Silver-Spun-Sand
A stunning image poem.
Yes,like Jenny I could
picture the scene too.
Beautifully explained.
I had read it,day ago,now
see worth cherries! thought so to.
julie x
Gale force winds expected
70mph. Pray won;t come,we got
day centre,to church songs few singing!
Hope your well and weather's calm.
The engine computer we have all re-set,
job know all right buttons press!
Like a shop moves groceries around.
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"Fancies himself an
Permalink Submitted by MistakenMagic on
"Fancies himself an artist;
a piss-artist more like.
He’d made an art
of the unmade bed
long before Tracey Emin."
These lines really made me smile, Tina! Love the comparison of the moth and the man. Very well done :)
Magic xxx
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