Idea for a New Religion - Chapter 6 - Equality & An Inclusive Religion
By well-wisher
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EQUALITY A 1) No part of a flower is supreme; petal is equal to leaf and stem. All living things are a sacred and beautiful part of God, the living universe, with an important role to play and all should be respected equally. 2) However, the needs of individual parts must always be weighed against the needs of the whole. 3) A persons function, their role in life, can only be determined by their natural aptitude. What a person is good at is what they were born to do. God, who is nature, gives us natural abilities so that we may use them to serve the greater good. 4) Diversity is sacred. No colour within the spectrum of life is supreme, all are a part of God's great wonder and beauty. 5) Homosexuality is a kind of symmetry. It is part of the design of nature; part of the great wonder and beauty of God, the living universe. 6) God, the living universe, is both disabled and able. All types of things in nature have strengths and weaknesses, yet all things in nature survive and thrive and can contribute to life. Every human being should be judged according to their strengths rather than their weaknesses. Prejudice and hatred are true disabilities. They are a form of blindness that weakens and wounds the whole world. EQUALITY B 7) Followers of this religion believe in the political and economic equality of men and women. Gender need not determine what role a person plays in life. Every individual man and woman has a duty to use whatever abilities fate has equipped them with to serve the common good of all humanity and nature. However, followers of this religion also believe that purely Cultural sexism, such as a parents right to dress their daughter in pink and their son in blue, are part of human cultural diversity and individual human freedom and thus that, within a truly liberal society, it is right to tolerate it. 8) As we treat nature, we also treat other human beings. We seek to own nature and we enslave others; we objectify nature and we objectify people; we demonize nature and we demonize those who are different to us; we brutalize nature and we brutalize our fellow human being, yet those who learn to love and respect nature, be its friend rather than its master, also learn how to love and respect people, 9) All living things live to serve themselves. Plants and animals exist to feed and multiply; they do not exist to serve the needs or wants of humankind. However, all living things indirectly play a part within the living world. All living things exist to serve themselves, yet, within humankind was born the gift of altruism and the intelligence to perceive the logic of cooperation and kindness. 10) All human beings are fighting on the same side. All people are part of the same army, fighting a war against evil, chaos and destruction but the enemy has divided us and clouded our judgement so that we fight amongst ourselves. Evil has done this because it fears our unity because it knows how strong the human race will be once it is united. 11) Why does disability exist? – Disability is a part of life’s diversity. Everything which exists must have an opposite. Because there are people who see, so there must be blind people. Because there are the hearing, so there must be the deaf. Because most can walk, so some can not. All people, of every kind of ability are part of the great pattern of nature who is God. Those with disabilities are not lesser than others or wrong in anyway but merely different in the same way that all people have differences that make each of them unique and, like all people, those with disabilities have a great power inside them and an equally useful destiny to fulfill. Society has a duty to give opportunity and offer help to empower people of every kind of ability so that we can all make our contribution to the greater good. AN INCLUSIVE RELIGION 1) God sees without prejudice and so must the people of God. Heaven is open to all who are loving and kind and so should the religion of heaven be. 2) Those who reject others shall themselves be rejected by heaven. Those who see ugliness in others make themselves look ugly in the sight of God. See the beauty and goodness in people and in all life. 3) The living idol - During every service, a follower must be chosen to represent God because God is within our neighbour and within nature, not in some distant heaven or in a statue of stone. Every type of person, of every physical description, is a suitable representation of God because God is diversity and every person, of every shape, size, colour, age or ability, is a part of the beauty and greatness of God.4) God hopes that you see goodness within this bible. It is not the only path to God, but it is the most efficient path. Whatever you choose to do, remember to try to be kind and loving at all times. Never wage war or persecute others in the name of God, because God loves all and craves peace among all. God has no favoured race or nation or group of people; God only favours the good hearted, whoever they are. 5) Saints and sinners - Forget perfection. God does not expect us to be a stainless saint or a virtuous virgin. God expects us to try to do as little harm and be as much help as possible.Try to be the best that you can be and you will make it into heaven. 6)This faith is owned by all who follow it truly and with a loving heart. It belongs to its people. It does not belong to any one person or any priestly caste or aristocracy or ruling elite of any kind. It belongs to love and to goodness; to all of its followers,equally. Let it never be tarnished by the hunger for power and let it always be a religion of kindness, humility and reason whose supreme, guiding principle is love.
Adaptive and evolving gender roles
Followers of this religion believe that gender roles adapt and evolve, like living things, according to changing environmental conditions; whatever gender roles are most suitable for the survival of the human race within a certain situation, place and time are considered the right ones; for example certain gender roles are more suitable in wealthy modern industrial societies with low death rates and long life expectancies while other gender roles are more suitable in poor low-tech, agricultural societies with high death rates and short life expectancies. Whatever gender role is right within your circumstances for human survival is the best one.
Technology only as a tool of the Organism of God/ Against transhumanism-
Because human beings are part of a living organism, human technology may be viewed as being the tool of that organism; held in its hand but it should never become a cyborg limb. It is a mistake for a person with an artificial limb to see that artificial limb as anything but their tool. It is a useful and good tool but it is not really part of them and I shall prove it with this question. "What would a man rather do, cut off a living hand or replace a worn out artificial hand". The answer is the second, naturally. We instinctively know; emmotionally feel that our hand is part of us but an old artificial limb, we could easily throw in the trash because we know, instinctively that it is not part of us. Our humanness is our nature, do not cut it off and throw it away as if it were a plastic limb.
Anti-Pleasure groups (Puritans,Catholic Nuns) can be a positive, necessary balancing mechanism and spare others much misery-
Demons feed upon our misery thus, whenever a group of people (such as puritans or Victorians or Nuns) devote themselves wholeheartedly to misery and abstinence it does, it is believed, take some of the pressure off of the rest of humankind. For this reason Nature promotes anti-pleasure groups as a way of harmlessly feeding the demons. A problem arises, however, when those groups try to pressurize others into conforming to their principles; this is what happens when the demons who are feeding off of the anti-pleasure group want more food than the anti-pleasure group can provide.
Followers of this religion believe that there are some who are very good at being negative and miserable or who naturally find pleasure distasteful (are natural puritans) and that nature has selected such people to be part of anti-pleasure groups and to feed the demons in order to take the burden off of others.
Thus, some followers of this religion choose a path of abstinence and self-sacrifice; they do not wear bright colours or have sexual pleasures or eat rich, spicy food; they live a harsh life and, in so doing, allow others to live a happier life. They are a good thing but they are only good in moderation and it would be wrong for everyone to live the way they do, since pleasure is a natural and godly thing.
One must freely choose a path of abstinence however and never be forced or pressurized into it and children should NEVER be expected to make such a choice.
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The "greater good" is the
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What I mean by "affirmation"
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