Idea for a New Religion - Chapter 32 - The Rules and Rituals of Divorce
By well-wisher
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RULES AND RITUALS OF DIVORCE A 1) Demons detest marriage. They detest it because they detest love and marriage is a union built upon love; because weddings are joyous occasions that can leave life long memories of bliss and because marriages can lead to the happiness of childbirth, happy childhood and proud parenthood. That is why demons try all to wreck marriages and drive happy couples to divorce. Those who mean to truly serve God and defy evil must struggle to keep their vows; strive against strife and love each other, whatever fate may bring. True love has the strength to forgive. 2) Weighing the reasons for divorce - God decrees that any couple wishing to be divorced should first undergo the public ceremony of weighing. First, a priest must ask them to make a list of the pros and cons of their marriage and arrange them in order of importance. When they have done this, the priest should give each pro and con a weight which represents its level of importance then, infront of the community, the weights should be placed upon a set of scales; the cons in the left pan and the pros in the right. If the scales tip in favour of divorce, then the priest should say, "God is satisfied that you have weighed up the pros and cons of your marriage. You may proceed to be divorced with God's blessing". If the scales tip towards marriage, then the priest must say,"It is my sacred duty as a priest to urge you to reconsider". If the couple still wish to be divorced, the priest should say, "Whatever your chosen path, God will go with you".
THE RULES AND RITUALS OF DIVORCE B 3) After the weighing, if the couple are to be divorced, then the priest should recite the Prayer for new love - "Many a battle for love is lost but love, courageous, battles on and for each bond of love that breaks, love weaves an everlasting one. From the death of every love, a new love is ever reborn as the bride of every rising sun weds the groom of each new morn. God, we ask you not to abandon us, for we are still your faithful in our hearts. God, guide us so that we may discover new hope in a new love that is part of your eternal love". 4)The welfare of children is the primary concern of God. When a couple with children is divorced then it is God's will that the most able parent should recieve full custody of the children and that the wealthiest parent should pay for their needs and wants until the parent who has custody of the children remarries and financial responsibilities for the children, if the wealthiest parent is not also the most able, pass to their step parent. If the less able parent is judged to be no threat to the health and welfare of the children, then it is the right of the children, if they so choose, to have continued and regular contact with that parent. 5)In the event that both parents are deemed equally able and willing; they make take turns raising the children however, care must be taken not to cause too much disruption to a childs development and education. The needs of the children must always come first.
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