A party game!
Love and lust - are they really distinct?
Background: I was talking to this woman recently (mid-thirties, awesome tits!!) and she was saying that her current toyboy (mid-twenties, tits? don't know! really - is there no decorum!!??) was cool and everything, but he wasn't that amorous if you get her drift. Anyways, she (Ms Awesome) questioned the lack of thrust, so to speak, with bedroom activity with him directly and in person (possibly in the bedroom - I didn't ask), and he said that it derived from his deep love of/for her. The imp;lication seemed to be that, if he felt lust for her, then he clearly didn't feel love for her to quite the same degree as he did evidently do now from his lack of lust for her.
Legal stuff: this discussion is open to anyone who is willing to take part. If you are not willing to take part, then that is your expression of your own positive liberty and not to be questioned by me or others with an interest in your non-involvement.
Religious stuff: ???